Tm in 2024 doesnt work

Hi there.!

I am using Trados 2024. Since I use this version I have problems with the TM.

It doesn't save entries! It happeny especially with old TMs. I save the translation, but

it doesn't show up in the TM! Is this a general problem with version 2024?

All fields like updating etc. are checked. Any idea?

I just opened a project with a bilingual Excel file. Column A and B. So I can use the vocabulary from the file.

All went fine, all is translated and checked but it was not saved in the TM.

Parents Reply

    This is such a fundamental part of Trados Studio I do doubt the problem is with the software here.  I wonder if you're creating Project TMs and then checking the Main TM you selected without running a batch task to update after putting everything into the Project TM?

    I don't know how much you know about Trados Studio so forgive the dumb clarification... but Project TMs are not just TMs you put in your Project, they have a very specific role and are a feature of Trados Studio.  If you use this when you create a project they are a bit like a scratchpad TM.  They get updated instead of the TM you initially selected... the idea being you only update your Main TM when the project is over and you're happy with the final translation of the files in your document.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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