Populate Project Translation Memories error

The Populate Project Translation Memories feature isn't working in Trados Studio 2024 (see the error message screenshot below). Actually, the TM (.sdltm) file does get created, but, apparently, it's corrupted because it won't open using Translation Memory View.

Screenshot of Trados Studio error message. The 'Populate Project Translation Memories' task failed with an error stating 'Unexpected exception when initializing task: An error occurred creating a file based translation memory.'

The project was created in Trados Studio 2019, and project translation memories can be populated if the project is opened in Trados Studio 2019. The TM file created using Trados Studio 2019 opens with no problem in Trados Studio 2024.

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[edited by: RWS Community AI at 6:45 PM (GMT 0) on 10 Mar 2025]
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  • Hi Paul,

    Please find the error message information attached.

    <SDLErrorDetails time="3/11/2025 2:55:32 PM">
      <ErrorMessage>Unexpected exception when initializing task 'Populate Project Translation Memories': An error occurred creating a file based translation memory..</ErrorMessage>
        <Type>Sdl.ProjectApi.ProjectApiException, Sdl.ProjectApi, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c28cdb26c445c888</Type>
        <HelpLink />
        <StackTrace><![CDATA[   at Sdl.ProjectApi.Implementation.TaskExecution.ContentProcessingTaskImplementation.InitializeTaskImplementations()
       at Sdl.ProjectApi.Implementation.TaskExecution.ContentProcessingTaskImplementation.Execute()
       at Sdl.ProjectApi.Implementation.AutomaticTaskExecuter.Execute()]]></StackTrace>
          <Type>Sdl.ProjectApi.AutomaticTasks.AutomaticTaskException, Sdl.ProjectApi.AutomaticTasks, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c28cdb26c445c888</Type>
          <HelpLink />
          <StackTrace><![CDATA[   at Sdl.ProjectApi.AutomaticTasks.ProjectTm.ProjectTmTask.CreateFileBasedProjectTranslationMemory(ITranslationMemoryLanguageDirection templateTm, ILanguageDirection languageDirection)
       at Sdl.ProjectApi.AutomaticTasks.ProjectTm.ProjectTmTask.CheckIfProjectTmExistAndCreateItIfNecessary(ILanguageDirection languageDirection)
       at Sdl.ProjectApi.AutomaticTasks.ProjectTm.ProjectTmDataCollector.Initialize(List`1 files)
       at Sdl.ProjectApi.AutomaticTasks.ProjectTm.ProjectTmTask.CreateProjectTmDataCollectors()
       at Sdl.ProjectApi.AutomaticTasks.ProjectTm.ProjectTmTask.InitializeTask(IExecutingAutomaticTask task)
       at Sdl.ProjectApi.Implementation.TaskExecution.ContentProcessingTaskImplementation.InitializeTaskImplementations()]]></StackTrace>
            <Type>System.NotSupportedException, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089</Type>
            <HelpLink />
            <StackTrace><![CDATA[   at Sdl.LanguagePlatform.TranslationMemoryImpl.TranslationMemorySetup.set_TokenizerFlags(TokenizerFlags value)
       at Sdl.LanguagePlatform.TranslationMemoryApi.FileBasedTranslationMemory.FileBasedTranslationMemoryDescriptor..ctor(String tmFilePath, String description, CultureCode sourceLanguage, CultureCode targetLanguage, FuzzyIndexes indexes, BuiltinRecognizers recognizers, TokenizerFlags tokenizerFlags, WordCountFlags wordCountFlags, Boolean supportsAlignmentData, TextContextMatchType textContextMatchType, Boolean usesIdContextMatch, Boolean usesLegacyHashes)
       at Sdl.LanguagePlatform.TranslationMemoryApi.FileBasedTranslationMemory..ctor(String tmFilePath, String description, CultureCode sourceLanguage, CultureCode targetLanguage, FuzzyIndexes indexes, BuiltinRecognizers recognizers, TokenizerFlags tokenizerFlags, WordCountFlags wordCountFlags, Boolean supportsAlignmentData, TextContextMatchType textContextMatchType, Boolean usesIdContextMatch, Boolean usesLegacyHashes)
       at Sdl.ProjectApi.AutomaticTasks.ProjectTm.ProjectTmTask.CreateFileBasedProjectTranslationMemory(ITranslationMemoryLanguageDirection templateTm, ILanguageDirection languageDirection)]]></StackTrace>
        <ProductName>Trados Studio</ProductName>
        <OperatingSystem>Microsoft Windows 11 Enterprise</OperatingSystem>
        <PhysicalMemory>16454352 MB</PhysicalMemory>

    Thank you,


  • Thanks  

    I think the most likely problems here are related to a corrupt template, or an old one, being incompatible with the version of Studio you are using.  Might be worth checking if you are using a project template from an older version of Studio (which is a bad idea) or perhaps create a new project template just to test it again.

    Or, another potential source of the issue is the path being used for the project, which the Project TM sits on.  If Studio doesn't have appropriate permissions to access that location this could also be a problem.  Maybe try setting the project path in your template to a location on your C: drive close to root and well away from OneDrive or any other possible interferences.... just for a test.

    If neither of these things help I'll log a case so the tech support team can take a look.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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