Populate Project Translation Memories error

The Populate Project Translation Memories feature isn't working in Trados Studio 2024 (see the error message screenshot below). Actually, the TM (.sdltm) file does get created, but, apparently, it's corrupted because it won't open using Translation Memory View.

Screenshot of Trados Studio error message. The 'Populate Project Translation Memories' task failed with an error stating 'Unexpected exception when initializing task: An error occurred creating a file based translation memory.'

The project was created in Trados Studio 2019, and project translation memories can be populated if the project is opened in Trados Studio 2019. The TM file created using Trados Studio 2019 opens with no problem in Trados Studio 2024.

Generated Image Alt-Text
[edited by: RWS Community AI at 6:45 PM (GMT 0) on 10 Mar 2025]
  • Hi 

    Can you confirm that you are not using AnyTM for the server based TMs? Please see the instructions from the below article, and kindly let me know if works:

    - Creating project/package/project TM fails with error message: Unexpected exception when initializing task 'Populate Project Translation Memories': Unable to cast object of type 'CompoundLanguageDirect - RWS Customer Support

    Kind regards,

    Ana Sabo | RWS Group

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  • Hi Ana,

    Answering your question, I've never used AnyTM for the server based TMs. To use a server based TM, I go to Project Settings -> Language Pairs -> Translation Memory and Automated Translation, then click the Use button, and then, in the list, click Server-based Translation Memory.

    The instructions in the article mentioned above are not applicable to my situation, i.e., I don't use AnyTM, and I try to populate translation memories in existing projects that I've worked on multiple times before. Even though a part of the error message is the same (i.e., "Unexpected exception when initializing task 'Populate Project Translation Memories'"), the error seems to be different (please compare the error screenshot above and the one in the article). Also, please note that if I open the same project in Trados Studio 2019, project translation memories can be populated with no problem, and, after that, these project translation memories work fine in Trados Studio 2024.

    I'd appreciate it if you could suggest other ways to resolve this problem.

    Thank you,



    Do you have any MT configured in your project? And are all your TMs updated?

    From what you write, I understand you having a single project, where you add and delete files? Try to remove all TMs from there, restart Studio and add the TMs again.

    Based on my experience, it makes more sense to create new projects using a template instead of keeping one project and exchanging files there. Or at least creating a new project for the same purpose every now and then, maybe once a month or so.


    When asking for help here, please be as accurate as possible. Please always remember to give the exact version of product used and all possible error messages received. The better you describe your problem, the better help you will get.

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  • Hi Jerzy,

    Yes, I have one server based TM configured in the project, and it's been updated. And I've already tried removing the TM, restarting Trados Studio 2024, and adding the TM again - unfortunately, after that, the project translation memory still can't be populated. Also, I've tested populating translation memories using Trados Studio 2024 in a few projects, and it's failed every time with the same error message.

    I didn't think about creating a new project instead of the current one because I don't have the same problem with any of my current projects if I open them in Trados Studio 2019, so I assumed that something is wrong with Trados Studio 2024, not with my projects. I'll give it a try later today.

    Thank you for your advice,



    I understand. And I'm sorry, but I do not have experience with server TM and project TMs. Maybe the problem is the mixture of server and local TMs. But I cannot tell.

    Creating project TMs is directly connected with the analysis task. Maybe the settings there can influence this process. Also make sure, that you have selected "optimised performance" in the batch task settings. These my only ideas here.


    When asking for help here, please be as accurate as possible. Please always remember to give the exact version of product used and all possible error messages received. The better you describe your problem, the better help you will get.

    Want to learn more about Trados Studio? Visit the Community Hub. Have a good idea to make Trados Studio better? Publish it here.

  • Well, turns out, I can't even create a project (please see the screenshot below)...

    Screenshot of Trados Studio project preparation error. Task 'Populate Project Translation Memories' failed with an error message: 'Unexpected exception when initializing task: An error occurred creating a file based translation memory.'


    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: RWS Community AI at 7:37 PM (GMT 0) on 11 Mar 2025]

    Please click on "Show Details" and then save the full error message to your desktop.  Finally attach it to your next reply.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Hi Paul,

    Please find the error message information attached.


    Thank you,


  • Thanks  

    I think the most likely problems here are related to a corrupt template, or an old one, being incompatible with the version of Studio you are using.  Might be worth checking if you are using a project template from an older version of Studio (which is a bad idea) or perhaps create a new project template just to test it again.

    Or, another potential source of the issue is the path being used for the project, which the Project TM sits on.  If Studio doesn't have appropriate permissions to access that location this could also be a problem.  Maybe try setting the project path in your template to a location on your C: drive close to root and well away from OneDrive or any other possible interferences.... just for a test.

    If neither of these things help I'll log a case so the tech support team can take a look.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Hi Paul,

    I tried creating a project using the default Trados Studio 2024 template, and there were no errors this time. My understanding is that to be able to use Trados Studio 2024, I'll have to create numerous new projects to replace the current ones (that worked absolutely fine in Trados Studio 2019). This is a frustrating situation, and I wish there was a way in Trados Studio 2024 to simply convert older projects in case they are not supported. Also, I wish I had known about this problem before our company made the decision to purchase Trados Studio 2024.

    Thank you,


  • Hi Paul,

    I tried creating a project using the default Trados Studio 2024 template, and there were no errors this time. My understanding is that to be able to use Trados Studio 2024, I'll have to create numerous new projects to replace the current ones (that worked absolutely fine in Trados Studio 2019). This is a frustrating situation, and I wish there was a way in Trados Studio 2024 to simply convert older projects in case they are not supported. Also, I wish I had known about this problem before our company made the decision to purchase Trados Studio 2024.

    Thank you,



    I think part of the problem is you upgraded from 2019, so skipped 2021 and 2022.  In this time it's quite likely that things change and if you use a Project Template that will obviously contain references to older settings and filetypes etc. then you risk a couple of things:

    1. introducing old bugs into new software

    2. things not working as expected

    You surely know this already, but I think the way forward would be to create new project templates for your immediate needs and then add them as needed going forward.  I know where you're coming from, and one reason for making a trial available is to give users time to test things out before taking the leap... even more important in a company, although I would expect most companies do carry out testing before making decisions like this.

    This is where cloud working has considerable advantages because the whole process of maintaining the software is covered and you don't have to battle with these sort of processes and concentrate on just doing the work.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Hi Paul,

    You're completely right. In my defense, I did download the trial version of Trados Studio 2024 before we purchased it, and I even used that trial version to work on a real project for a week or two, but, unfortunately, I didn't try populating project translation memories or creating a new project using my custom template, so these problems came as an unpleasant surprise to me.

    Thank you for your help,

