Hyperlink in sentence splits into two segments and creates two instances in target file.

Have a number of translators that are having an issue when bringing in a word document with a number of bulleted lists sentences that have a hyperlinked word(s).

The sentence itself looks normal in word:

Screenshot of a bulleted list in a document with the sentence 'Ensure MD, district, and club GAT understand their roles and responsibilities.'

Trados for some reason breaks the sentence up (not all hyperlink are at end some in middle of sentence) and it looks like this:

Screenshot of Trados Studio interface showing a segmented translation of a bulleted list with hyperlinks causing text fragmentation.

In the Word translated version it will look like this with two hyperlinks.

Screenshot of a translated bulleted list in a document with hyperlinked text, showing the sentence 'Asegurarse de que los miembros del GAT del DM, distrito y club entiendan sus roles y responsabilidades.'

What would be causing this and how can they fix this?

Using Trados: and using Windows 10 Enterprise.

Generated Image Alt-Text
[edited by: RWS Community AI at 6:48 PM (GMT 0) on 12 Mar 2025]
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