Let's Make Your Work Easier: Meet Publication Hub!

Let's Make Your Work Easier: Meet Publication Hub!

Describing technical documentation as project-based work wouldn't be wrong for many organizations. Typically, this work begins under a publication captain's supervision, perhaps this person is a lead technical writer or project owner in your organization. It entails contributions from multiple individuals, such as writers, reviewers, subject matter experts, and linguists, all working towards specific deadlines. 

Thinking of this work as a project, the publication captain's responsibilities include deciding who will contribute to the publication creation, briefing them, and keeping an eye on how things are going, much like a project manager. Additionally, making any needed changes to the project is crucial. For some organizations, it is also critical for publication captains to collect contributors' signoffs and store them in the system. Wouldn't it be great to have a feature in Tridion Docs that helps manage this entire process from start to finish? 

But what about from the perspective of contributors? For instance, you are a subject matter expert with multiple reviews assigned, isn't it important for you to see which ones can wait and which need your immediate attention? Or as a writer, wouldn't it be convenient to quickly find the publications you need to work on or the completed ones to use as a reference? 

When designing Publication Hub, we focused on providing practical solutions to the challenges you face every day. Understanding that each organization, and even each team, may have different working styles, we aimed to address fundamental needs. We wanted Publication Hub to be a place where publication captains could create projects, assemble teams, and oversee the progress of the publication creation process. Seeing the progress is important not only for the publication captains but for everyone in the organization. Additionally, we wanted Publication Hub to be a landing page where writers and reviewers could easily access the assignments they need to work on and quickly navigate to the respective applications (Collective Spaces, Publication Manager) to do their work. 

If what I have described resonates with your working style, be sure to watch our Bootcamp video. In this video, you can learn about the features of Publication Hub and see it in action during the demo section. 

But that's not all! We have implemented many other improvements in Organize Space to help you work more efficiently and effectively. Some of the enhancements you will see in the Bootcamp include: 

  • "Display name" is used instead of "username" for a more intuitive user experience. 
  • The functionality to create a new publication, version, or branch along with output has been added. 
  • The Where Used feature and action toolbar have been improved to facilitate easier navigation within Organize Space, Collective Spaces, and Publication Manager. 
  • The technology and user interface of the Settings pages have been updated for faster and more user-friendly interactions. 

 For a quick review, you can refer to the Bootcamp presentation deck linked below.