How to send messages to the publisher with a Tridion Docs publish post-processing plugin?

[background info]

Our company is using SDL Tridion Docs version 13.0.4630.2
I'm currently working on a post-process publishing plugin that analyses the temp files during the publishing process.

I hope to send custom messages (via message box) to users who triggered the publish process. At present I can only write custom message to backend's BackgroundTask_Execution_20240305.log.

[steps I've tried]
I tried using Windows.Form in plugin's source code, but no winForm was poped up since the background application is not in userinteractive mode.
I tried raising custom Exception, but no error message box was poped up as I had imagined. Only to found that publishing indicated as "Failed".

Is there any ways to produce a pop-up window during post-publishing process?

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