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  • Status Column in the Project Pane

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    Hi! As a Project Manager it would be very useful to have an extra column in the project pane view showing the current stage of each project (in preparation, in translation, in reviewing, etc). That would allow PMs to have a quick overview of all projects...
  • Introduce modular structure to enable workflow customisation (including retrospective changes)

    • Idea Delivered Partially on
    Having used Trados Team for a few weeks now, I feel it offers great potential but is not flexible enough. The following approach would work for our purposes, although I appreciate other companies and translators will have different requirements of which...
  • Ability to change the workflow step and stage names

    • Under Community Review on
    According to the "ISO17100 Translation Service", there are 3 major steps which can be done in Trados team, including Translation , Revision (Linguistic Review in Trados Team), and Review (Final Check in Trados Team). After discussing with the ISO17100...
  • Adding an Alignment function

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    Hello, In Trados Team there is no alignment function, and in Trados Studio, the only alignment function that there is works with either a file-based TM or a server-based TM, which do not exist in Live Trados. When will RWS add a functionality to Trados...
  • Being able to see the notifications directly when clicking on the "bell" icon

    • Under Community Review on
    It would be nice to be able to directly see the list of notifications when clicking on the bell icon, rather than having to click on the bell, then on "Show details". This "additional" step to visualize the notifications is a waste of time.
  • Possibility for PMs or Admis to open anytime a file in Studio

    • Under Community Review on
    Sometimes it is necessary to change something in the file during translation or review stage. It would be great for PMs and Admins to be able to open a file even if the current task is given to some other users.
  • Add the possibility to insert a "no underline" tag, "no italic" tag, etc.

    • Under Community Review on
    It would be nice to have the possibility to add formatting tags, as it was the case in Studio, under Quick Insert. In titles, for example, double points should not be underlined in French. I would like to be able to remove the underlining in the target...
  • Being able to add a language pair to a project

    • Duplicate on
    Hello, it would be very helpful to be able to add a language pair to an ongoing project and not having to create a new project with other settings. This is possible in Studio but not in Trados Live Team.
  • Automatically jump to the next unedited segment when reopening a translation/review task

    • Under Community Review on
    When reopening a file in Online Editor, the cursor is placed in the first segment - no matter if it was closed by the user or refreshed after a Trados freeze / lost internet connection). It would be helpful and a real time saver if ihe cursor jumped to...
  • Information on Trados Live Team enhancements

    Former Member
    Former Member
    • Planned for Future Release on
    Every so often I notice something that's changed in Trados Live Team and I wonder what else might have been changed that I haven't noticed yet. It would be great to be notified of new enhancements to Trados Live Team e.g. a pop-up on login.