Under Community Review

settings for notifications in order to turn (specific) community notifications off


since last week I start getting community notifications directly within Trados Studio's notification area. While this is interesting for everyone not having subscribed to the community forums already or due to posting there, so everyone using Trados can now see ideas and vote for them, it can get quite annoying if you get a notification for every single status update.

Could you please add settings to Studio Options for notification area where you could:

- disable community notifications completely (not recommended as some ideas might be helpful for the user)

- disable specific community notifications if these notifications are enabled (via checkboxes):

= disable status update notifications

= disable commented on notifications (here you could maybe add another trigger (disable only those the user did not comment on and disable all)

= any other notifications I forgot in this list



Parents Comment
  • Ok, I had not seen your question with search function in RWS Community. Good to know you can disable it but I don't really want to disable it completely (well for the time being I will as I get mail notifications anyway) I just would like to have some finetuning implemented with the options mentionned above. ;)
