Under Community Review

settings for notifications in order to turn (specific) community notifications off


since last week I start getting community notifications directly within Trados Studio's notification area. While this is interesting for everyone not having subscribed to the community forums already or due to posting there, so everyone using Trados can now see ideas and vote for them, it can get quite annoying if you get a notification for every single status update.

Could you please add settings to Studio Options for notification area where you could:

- disable community notifications completely (not recommended as some ideas might be helpful for the user)

- disable specific community notifications if these notifications are enabled (via checkboxes):

= disable status update notifications

= disable commented on notifications (here you could maybe add another trigger (disable only those the user did not comment on and disable all)

= any other notifications I forgot in this list



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    no, the settings you mention are only for those you post and replies you posted to existing topic but it's not as finetuned as the options I mentionned because I want to be updated about NEW ideas from other people but I don't want to be spammed with status notifications, replies aso. for topics I did not reply to/upvote. And I dont't think most other users want this either.


    ok - two things here:

    1. this has nothing to do with Trados Studio.  So the idea would be to improve the controls available in the notification settings area of the community for each user

    2. based on what you have asked for I think you can do this already.  You can subscribe so you get the notifications of new ideas/posts but disable all the commentary etc.

    Notification settings showing a checked box for 'Ideas are added to ideations I'm subscribed to' and unchecked boxes for 'Comments are made on ideas I'm subscribed to' and 'The status changes on ideas I'm subscribed to'.

    Doesn't that achieve what you want?  You can also control whether these notifications are email or just in the browser (and thereforeStudio).

  • Ok, I missed that part, but what does 'I’m subscribed to' refer to? Does it mean everything included within the subfolder Ideas (which I subscribed), or only those ideas I commented on, upvoted, etc.? Right now it seems to refer to everything in the subfolder as I did certainly not comment or upvote any of the last ideas yet and still I got notifications for them.

    There should be more differentiation as I want to get some notifications for these ideas but not for those I did not react on, except telling me the idea was posted.

  • It means the ideas group you subscribed to.

  • In that case it needs some refining. ;) see above.