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  • Open all files for all languages at once, such as can be done with Passolo

    • Under Community Review on
    I like the ability to open all files for one language from the Files window. However, if I need to work on multiple files for different languages in one project, I would have to navigate back to the Files window to open each language. What I would like...
  • stop setting focus of launching trados to top window

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    Hi, This is something devs should be able to set easily as from what I know it should only be a switch from ON to OFF in laucher settings (at least for Windows). Although my PC is very performant it still takes some time for Trados to launch. I use...
  • Studio window should not be lost in nirvana, after switching back from dual-screen mode to single-screen mode

    • Under Community Review on
    At program startup, Studio should check window coordinates saved in the user profile against what is currently visible on the screen, before displaying the Studio window on the screen. I often switch back and forth from dual-screen mode to single-screen...
  • Make QA profile more user friendly and flexible

    • Under Community Review on
    QA profile can travel via TMS but GroupShare users would like to overwrite the QA profile in a translation package from TMS with more target language specific QA profile, at which point the existing QA profile settings get lost such as regular expressions...
  • A filter for "all first occurences". We now have "first occurences" but this applies only for the repetitions.

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    We had a big project with a lot of repetitions, but also some other text. It would be easy to have a standard filter for "ll first occurences". You can translate, check and only after that process open to all segements.
  • Date visible for all TU at Trados Editor

    • Under Community Review on
    Dear SDL Community, I would like to know if it would be possible to see the date when a segment has been confirmed directly in the Editor, for instance: Otherwise we need to click on every single segment and wait to receive the result from the...
  • Studio verification - multiple spaces

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    I like the verification task that looks for multiple spaces. A frustration however is that the program (Studio 2017 and predecessors) counts certain tags (typically in-line graphics, references, etc.) as a space, generating many false notifications for...
  • Record Source TU

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    I Know there is an app works only with a file based TM file, but n o volunteer has come forward and create one for server-based TM. So it would be useful if SDL create a feature that support both.
  • Double-checking and fixing of wrongly added dependency file(s)

    • Under Community Review on
    If a translator gets the message " Dependency file not found " and looks for the file to be inserted and accidentally inserts the wrong file, he could check immediately whether he added the correct dependency file by running "Generate target translations...
  • Highlighting words/phrases selected in Advance Display Filter

    • Under Community Review on
    It would be good to see highlighted phrases filtered by ADF in all filtered segments. It is especially useful while manually checking consistency of the translation. As it is today, in a bit longer segments, it takes time to find needed phrase. Regards...