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  • set focus to (first) comment for active translation segment

    • Under Community Review on
    Hi, It would help a lot if the focus in the comment tab would match the line of the active segment in Editor. e.g. If I click segment 3, the (first) comment applying to segment 3 should be highlighted automatically. Right now, the comment that I...
  • Force Verification only on selected files in a project during creation of return package

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    Hi, a package is created checking the "User must run verification before returning the package" option. The package contains 10 files. If only one file needs to be delivered the Verification runs on all the 10 files instead running only on the chosen...
  • Lock TUs in the TM

    • Accepted, Not Yet Planned on
    It would be great to be able to lock a translation unit in the TM, thus making sure that it will be auto-propagated as perfect match and always remain exactly the same.
  • Marking as Completed or In Progress

    • Under Community Review on
    Please enable the possibility to mark several Projects at once as Completed or In Progress
  • Confirm and Move to Next Draft shortcut

    • Under Community Review on
    Sometimes after pre-translating a document in Studio you want to translate and confirm draft (fuzzy) segments first, but currently there is no option to jump right to such segments. Of course, there are filters, but with them you are not be able to see...
  • Separate categories for new segments and MT translations

    • Under Community Review on
    Currently there is only the category "New/MT" which shows either segments that have been MT translated or segments that are still empty, depending on whether the project was configured to use machine translation or not. As it is, there's no way to tell...
  • tags in export for bilingual check

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    when I export the sdlxliff for bilingual check tags are given numbers, but these numbers do not show the revisor which kind of tag is used. So the revisor cannot check whether e.g. the tag "bold" is placed correctly. I would prefer to see the tag as it...
  • Final Source file with the track changes from existing TM sentences

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    I often need a generated source document (just like final word file of a target) with the changes I usually can see while working in editor mode in a TM window. It'll be great to have such feature. Kind regards, Teona
  • Batch tasks (search and replace) on translation memory

    • Under Community Review on
    Hi, Would it be possible to select several translation memories at once instead of only one for executing batch tasks on them? This scenario would be very effective if you have several TM with either same target language or same language combinations...
  • Automatic switch from "Termbase Search" to "Term Recognition" at move to next segment

    • Under Community Review on
    Many translators would like the Term lookup to work like the TM lookup. If a translator does a Concordance Search in a segment, and then moves to the next segment, if there is a TM match, Studio will automatically switch from the Concordance Search window...