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  • Choose from document structure information to update field of translation unit

    • Under Community Review on
    It could be helpful to be able to select from document structure information to update a custom field of a TM. Let's say I use the bilingual excel filetype and choose a column for rererence information that would appear in the document structure information...
  • Automatic switching from Termbase Search window back to Term Recognition window

    • Under Community Review on
    Dear SDL developers, Sometimes, when working in Studio and a term that I would expect to be displayed in the Term Recognition doesn't appear, I change to the Termbase Search window to search for it manually. Quite often, it then happens that I forget...
  • Batch tasks (search and replace) on translation memory

    • Under Community Review on
    Hi, Would it be possible to select several translation memories at once instead of only one for executing batch tasks on them? This scenario would be very effective if you have several TM with either same target language or same language combinations...
  • Dragging TMs to Templates

    • Under Community Review on
    For clients that require more than one TM, it would be great to be able to drag the TMs to the template instead of having to click Add + File based translation memory and selecting it on the explorer. It would be much easier to drag them all!
  • Studio should perform normalization for locked content in XML files

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    Right now, when you lock content, because it is tagged as not translatable, Studio does not perform any whitespace normalization, so it will keep the spaces you have in the source file. SDL Support reports that this is because they are trying to preserve...
  • Have concordance search show a 100% match as the first result

    • Under Community Review on
    If the TM has a 100% Match for the exact text searched for in the Concordance, it would be good if the Concordance would always show this as the first result. i.e. I search for "Fahrzeug" and the 100% match "Vehicle" is shown as the first concordance...
  • Showing paragraphs with an actual vertical space instead of a mere “P” in the right margin

    • Under Community Review on
    Given that hundreds of translators working at the government of Canada's Translation Bureau are soon to be introduced to Trados Studio, I am pretty sure that it would be a good investment for SDL to reprogram the paragraph change indication, departing...
  • Untranslatable segment handling

    • Under Community Review on
    I would appreciate a segment status that indicates a segment that is not going to be translated. You can't always filter those out ahead of time, and then they sit around and show up as untranslated or the source text gets inserted when the target file...
  • Double check "Delete all your target comments in active document"

    • Under Community Review on
    When editing comments in a TM results window (comments tab) by right clicking "Delete all target comments in active document" option shows right under the "Edit comment". There's a risk that you accidentally click Delete when you try to edit and no...
  • Remove penalty on capitalization

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    Hi, It would be great to have a function that would allow removing penalties for capitalization. For certain projects it would allow having 100% matches for capitalized content instead of fuzzy matches, which could help save a lot of time.