To view quotes, select Workspace > Quotes in the navigation tree (or press Alt-2).
From here, you can create a new quote by clicking New button or Clone button, to copy existing quote.
On the ribbon, you will find the following buttons:
- Change status. Allows to quickly change status of selected quotes. If you're changing a status from Prepare to Sent, and if customer portal is enabled, then a customer contact will receive automatic notification about a quote.
- Write a message to PM. Allows to send a message with a generated quote to a customer, using built-in mail sender. If file list contains generated quote pdf file, this file will be attached to a created message (i.e., you have to generate and save PDF file before using this function).
- Generate PDF(s). Allows to automatically generate PDF files for selected quotes and attach them to corresponding quotes.
- Accept quote. Changes quote status to Accepted and creates translation project or translation jobs, depending on application settings. Accept action marks a quote as accepted and creates:
- new translation project with batch of jobs, if a quote contains multiple language pairs;
- new single translation job without a project, if a quote contains only one language pair.
In any of these two cases, project or job editing form will be opened after pressing this button.
- Decline quote. Changes quote status to Declined with possibility to provide explanation.
- Print. Allows to print a quote using automatically template or a template selected by a user using a drop-down list.