Set a window Always On Top

This AutoHotkey script is related to this post:

where the poster asked to set the Find and Replace window on top of the Editor.

The following script will set any window Always On Top. It works with any window, not only the Find and Replace dialog box.

I use the Application key plus the V keys as a hotkey, but you can change it to your convenience.

☛ The Application Key is also called the Menu Key and when pressed it opens a contextual menu: Screenshot of an AutoHotkey script to set the Find and Replace window in Trados Studio always on top using the Application key and V.

AppsKey & v::
        while GetKeyState("AppsKey", "P")
                Sleep, 20
        Winset, Alwaysontop, Toggle, A

Add these lines to your script file and when the Find and Replace window (or any window) is open and active, press the hotkey. From now on the window will be on top on any window, not that just the Editor. And it'll be on top until you close the Find and Replace dialog box or until you press again the same hotkey.

  • If you close the Find and Replace dialog box, and re-open it later, you will need to press your hotkey again to set it always on top.
  • If you use another hotkey, you might need to edit the GetKeyState parameter accordingly.

I hope it helps!

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[edited by: Trados AI at 4:31 AM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]
Parents Reply

    Nope, no Startup or Avvio folder anywhere in my C: disk... and I cannot reinstall Stidio 2021. Do you think my laptop could have some problem?

    Frankly this is impossible.  You must have a startup folder on your computer because it's not possible for a user to have a Windows operating system without a Startup folder.  Both the user-specific and all-users Startup folders are integral parts of the Windows OS.  They are created by default when the operating system is installed.

    Please try copy/pasting this in the File Explorer address bar, which should take you directly to the correct folder regardless of your language settings:

    %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

    Here's a video showing you exactly how:

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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