To Delete TB item(s)

; This code deletes two (2) items within a selected TB.
; it deletes item(s) on the basis of some kind serialNumber;
; its name called "conceptid" under MS Access or
; it is called "Entry Id" under MultiTermDesktop
; in this sample code the targeted items are two - "2" and "3" of them.
; Warning : this code modifies original TB directly. You'd better play with copy of it at first time

Screenshot of Trados Studio with MS Access and MultiTerm Desktop windows open. Two arrows point to 'conceptid' in Access and 'Entry Id' in MultiTerm, highlighting items 2 and 3 for deletion.


Attached: AutoHotkey source code

Delete TB

Generated Image Alt-Text
[edited by: Trados AI at 4:30 AM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]