Local tanslation plugins do not work


As I wrote in a post about the problems of adding Machin translation engines to the cloud project ( Why I cannot add tranaslation engine to the cloud resources? ),  the same unfortunately applies to the local plug-ins in the new Trados 2024 version.

As you can see from the screnshot (in addition to my proprietary TM), I have Language Weaver (with paid subscription) and Amazon Translate (also paid for and properly configured) added (ENGPOL is my cludud template but i canad thre only my TM and dictionary - no translation engins ca be added.

Screenshot of Trados 2024 project settings showing Language Weaver Cloud and Amazon Translate Tradus Plugin under Translation Memory and Automated Translation with an orange outline indicating an issue.

After performing two bach tasks: analyze files and pre-translate I get something like this.

Screenshot of Trados 2024 with a document open showing untranslated text and an error message at the bottom stating 'An error has occurred while using the translation provider Language Weaver' and 'Amazon Translate'.

Honestly hands down, I do not know who allowed the release of Trados 2024 version full of errors, it is impossible to work with this....

Kind regards, 

Lech Lachowski

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[edited by: RWS Community AI at 5:40 PM (GMT 1) on 12 Jul 2024]
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