Multiterm 2015 missing

After the installation of "SDLMultiTermDesktop2015_1494.exe" I can not find Multiterm 2015 on my computer. The only executable file in the Multiterm-Folder is "PluginPackageManager.exe".

The Button "Terminology Management" in Studio 2015 > Welcome > Home works neither. After pushing the button I see the sand-glass for a while - and that´s it.

I tried to uninstall & reinstall Multiterm, with no result. What´s wrong? I need Multiterm to reorganise a clients database and now I´m pretty srcewed...

Parents Reply
  • Hello Walter,
    maybe a new and I hope the last piece of knowledge to this topic. Yesterday I needed to use TagEditor after a long time - and I found out, the whole Trados 7 group is not installed on my computer. And I recalled, that as I have uninstalled the "Multiterm 2015" group in the "Multiterm missing case" the first time, I got the message "Trados uninstalled successfully". I thought, it was just a typing error, because in fact the Multiterm group was uninstalled. But - as I know now - Trados was uninstalled too, together with Multiterm. The canon driver has obviously done a nice mischief in the registers :-)
    Best regards,
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