Trados would not recognize terms available in the Multiterm glossary when written with capital letters

Dear Community!

Why would Multiterm not recognize terms if written with uppercase letters in the document?

"Cableado" is saved in the database, but Trados does not "see" it:

Screenshot of a software interface showing a term 'CABLEADO DETECTORES DE HUMO COCHES' not being recognized despite being in the database.

TDB definition has an option (unavailable upon the glossary creation), but I would say that by NOT selecting it, the program is supposed to IGNORE uppercase and lowercase characters: 

Screenshot of a settings window with an option 'Distinguish between uppercase and lowercase' highlighted, indicating case sensitivity in term recognition.

Thanks in advance for the answer!

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[edited by: RWS Community AI at 2:45 PM (GMT 1) on 7 Oct 2024]
Parents Reply
  • Thank you for the reply, Jesus! Completely clear....but I can´t explain what do I need the SOURCE synonyms for. 

    For example:

    Screenshot of MultiTerm software showing Spanish terms 'bocina de tono grave' and 'bocina de graves' with their English translations 'low tone horn', 'low pitch horn', and 'low pitched horn'.

    I have both in Spanish since I may encounter both in my texts. And I want them recognized ( I added "bocina de graves" yesterday, cause I knew the term was there but Multiterm returned no answers). But how do I benefit from the second line showing another option for this type of horn??? With the same translation into English??

    If the feature is added, then it´s for a particular reason. I just can´t get to it...


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    [edited by: RWS Community AI at 7:42 AM (GMT 1) on 16 Oct 2024]