How to toggle "Termini" display ON/OFF in Multiterm 2015 SR2


I somehow seem to have switched OFF the display of "Termini"  in the left-hand Termini display window in Multiterm 2015.

I  know it is very trivial issue, but I must confess that I cannot find the button or option in any drop down menu to switch the Termini display ON again. 

Can someone kindly help me please.

Thanks and best regards

Shyam Gupta

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  • Hi Jerzy,

    Thanks for your quick help. Yes, it did the trick ;-)).

    However, to get back to the Termini display I had to first change the Multiterm menu display language from German (which I normally use) to English.

    And your tip also explains to me why I didn't find the "Reset window layout" button in my case.

    I am sure you must already be knowing it - in German language Menu, the "View" is called "Ansichten".
    The difference is that whereas the "View" ribbon display offers six options (actions) to choose from, the "Ansichten" ribbon offers only three- and "Reset windows layout" is not one of them!!

    I wonder why?
    I believe it is yet another settings issue.
    Could you kindly help me how to make the Multiterm menu settings so as to enjoy full set of options please?

    Many thanks in advance.
    Best regards
  • Indeed it must be an issue with your installation:

    Should this not be present after resetting the window layout in the US-GUI, please reset MT by deleting the xml files from C:\Users\User name\AppData\Roaming\SDL\SDL MultiTerm\MultiTerm12 (leave plugincache.xml)


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