A specific translation memory is always there when I open new projects


I have Trados Studio 2015. There is a TM that is always there when I open a new document by sliding a .ttx file in the editor view. I don't want it there everytime I work on a new document, how do I remove it? And, in the past, when I slid one of those .ttx files in the editor view, it would ask me if I wanted to add a TM, but it doesn't anymore.

Thank you for your help.


Question, not a discussiom.
[edited by: Paul at 8:01 PM (GMT 0) on 20 Feb 2025]
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    ok - so this Translation Memories window?

    Screenshot of Trados Studio Translation Memories window with a selected memory 'en-de_alphanumeric' under Language Resource Templates.

    Or this one?

    Screenshot of Trados Studio showing a message 'No open translation memories or automated translation servers' in the Translation Results pane.

    Or this one?

    Screenshot of Trados Studio Translation Memory and Document Settings dialog with Source Language set to English (United States) and Target Language set to German (Germany).

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: RWS Community AI at 8:46 AM (GMT 0) on 21 Feb 2025]

    I'm not being picky... all three are TM windows.  Whilst you piggy backed on a post that was over 8-years old and didn't provide a clear explanation yourself I typically don't take for granted that this means you have exactly the same problem as the original poster.  I've been doing this long enough to know I can waste a lot of time trying to help people who don't explain what they really mean.

    So when you say:

    Whenever I fire up Trados (2024), a certain TM is open in the TMs window. Even though I closed it and opened another one during the previous instance. I deleted the old TM (it was not needed anyway, now no TM at startup. What is not a big issue, but why doesn't remain my main TM there, only the old did?

    That could mean any one of the three TM windows (what is a TM window?) I shared here.

    The first one. Isn't that the TMs window???

    Given the original post where you said you have the same problem, it is most likely to be the second one, but you have just proved my point.  If you mean the "first one" then this is the Translation Memories View and it has nothing at all to do with the opening of a document for translation, or a project.

    The TMs in that view are held in this file:

    c:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Local\SDL\SDL Trados Studio\SDLTradosStudio12\TranslationMemoryRepository.xml

    I may have the path slightly wrong as I can't recall the right one for 2015, but it'll be something like that.  So find that file and delete it, then restart Studio, and now no TMs at all appear in that view.  If you want one to be there then open it in that view so it gets added to the list and then cluse it without removing it.  Close Studio and restart, and now the TM you selected should always be there.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Thank you. 

    I deleted the XML file, restarted Studio, opened the right TM, closed and restarted Studio, no TM is open in the TMs view.


    Are you using a VM or remote desktop?  Do you have an aggressive setup for your security software that might be sweeping the file that hold this information?

    Are you 100% sure we are really talking about the same thing?  A screenshot of where you expect to see this would be really helpful just to remove all doubt?

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • This is what I'm talking about. 
    Desktop, everything on my computer. No special security sw.

    Screenshot of Trados Studio software showing the Translation Memories section with Language Resource Template highlighted.


    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: RWS Community AI at 12:29 PM (GMT 0) on 21 Feb 2025]

    ok - then on this basis I don't really know what to suggest.  Out of interest I did get a quick answer using AI that may be worth investigating on your end:

    If a file in your AppData\Local folder is not being updated as expected, several potential causes could be at play. Here are some common ones:

    1. Permissions Issues

    • The application might not have the necessary permissions to write to the file.
    • If the file was created by another user or process with higher privileges (e.g., running as an admin), the current user may not have write access.

    2. File Locking

    • Another application (or an instance of the same application) may have the file open, preventing modifications.
    • Use Process Explorer or Handle.exe (Sysinternals tools) to check if the file is locked.

    3. Antivirus or Security Software Interference

    • Some security software may block modifications to certain files, especially in AppData\Local.
    • Check logs in your antivirus software for any blocked activities.

    4. Corrupt File or Storage Issues

    • The file may be corrupted or on a failing disk, causing the application to fail silently when attempting to write.
    • Try renaming or deleting the file and see if the application recreates it.

    5. File Redirection or Virtualisation (Windows Compatibility Features)

    • If the application is running in compatibility mode or a restricted user context, Windows may redirect writes elsewhere (e.g., VirtualStore).
    • Check: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\

    6. Read-Only Attribute

    • The file might have been marked as read-only.
    • Check its properties (Right-click > Properties > Attributes).

    7. Background Sync Issues (Cloud Storage)

    • If the AppData\Local folder is somehow linked to OneDrive or another syncing service, there may be sync conflicts.

    And to be very sure we are both doing the same thing, here's a quick video to show how this works:

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • I have restarted the program several times since I deleted the XML file and the program hasn't created the xml again. 


    I have restarted the program several times since I deleted the XML file and the program hasn't created the xml again. 

    Well... if this ever worked for you in 2015 I'd suggest the problem is not with Trados and rather some external environmental issue.  If the problem is with Trados then I'm afraid your version is just too old to do anything about it.

    But my money would be on your environment.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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