Quality Check > Terminology > Forbidden Picklist Fields: Any way to have this trigger depending on SOURCE terms?

Dear colleagues and Trados devs,

the (pretty regularly occurring) use case for the term checker is this:

DE Listeneintrag > EN list item, item
DE Menüeintrag > EN menu item, item
DE Artikel > EN product + FORBIDDEN: item
DE Anforderung > EN requirement
DE Bedarf > EN request + FORBIDDEN: requirement

Is there, pretty please, a way to have Trados check if the SOURCE segment contains the term for which one possible target term has been flagged as forbidden BEFORE indiscriminately flagging all target occurrences of, e.g., "item" or "requirement" as Forbidden errors? This behaviour is driving me nuts.

Best regards,

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  • If you have a fairly small number of forbidden terms to check in the fashoin you outlined above, Regex might work for you. If you have a big TB full of terms with allowed and forbidden translations, I think you will find it difficult.

    One of the issues is that the built-in term recognition has a degree of fuzziness (for MultiTerm Desktop) or some linguistic AI (MultiTerm Cloud) to recognize variantions of a word (Listeneintrag - die Listeneinträge, des Listeneintrags etc.). This would be hard to do with Regex for a large number of entries. Same for the recognition of words in the target segment.

    If you had a dictionary with all valid variations of words or an AI that could produce that, you could probably automate the generation of either a word list or regex rules. Having said this, this should be a built-in functionality.

    Don't worry about opening a new thread. The other one was four years old. Time to start afresh.

