Studio 2014 - How to change segmentation rules (no break after colon)

(This is a cross-posting from, but I received no answer there.)

I am trying to import a .TMX file from another CAT system, and Studio is breaking after the colon, which my .TMX does not, so I am not getting good matches. I do not want a line break after the colon. I have tried to change the segmentation rule, but it's not working. Studio seems to allow you to add a new exception rule to break after a certain character, but not to remove one that is in the default. Any suggestions? (I don't know anything about regex.)


Parents Reply
  • I'd say your problem is that you've already customised these rules at some point. These are not default. The default view has ?! as the other terminating punctuation... your description is also different. And there is a colon rule in the default for 2014.

    If you don't think you did all that then maybe it's not needed? So create a new TM and import the contents of your original into it.

    Alternatively, create a new TM just to open your files with. This will cause the segmentation and then add your existing TM to the project to pretranslate after the files are already segments.


    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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