Studio 2014 - How to change segmentation rules (no break after colon)

(This is a cross-posting from, but I received no answer there.)

I am trying to import a .TMX file from another CAT system, and Studio is breaking after the colon, which my .TMX does not, so I am not getting good matches. I do not want a line break after the colon. I have tried to change the segmentation rule, but it's not working. Studio seems to allow you to add a new exception rule to break after a certain character, but not to remove one that is in the default. Any suggestions? (I don't know anything about regex.)


Parents Reply
  • I can't understand what either of you have written. :-(
    First to Paul:
    I did not change/customize any seg rules, but in any case, I have now "reset to defaults" and it looks just the same as in my screenshots.
    "If you don't think you did all that then maybe it's not needed? So create a new TM and import the contents of your original into it." - That what I was doing in the first place: Created a new TM, imported my TMX into it, and tried to use it to pre-translate the document in Studio, but the segmentation doesn't match because of the colons.
    The document is actually fully translated in another CAT tool. I wanted to create a TM in Studio so I would have the option of using it in the future for similar jobs, and also for learning purposes, as I am a (relatively) new user. I wanted to put my TMX ("upgraded") into Studio and fully pre-translate the file, to see if it works. It didn't. It gets stuck wherever there's a colon -- and there are lots of them in this long document.
    "Alternatively, create a new TM just to open your files with." Here I have no idea what you mean. A new TM to open what files? How?
    Now to Fas:
    I did what you said (reset to defaults), but I still don't have "Colon" on a separate line, as shown in your screenshot. It looks like my first screenshot.

    Thanks for your help