Processing XML file with <LF> separators in transaltable element.

Hello all, 

I've got an XML file for translation. I thought it would be simple tas with custom XML file type, but I'm a bit stucked now. 

The reasons for this are:

1. source file is formatted only with <LF> character and not with more frequent  <CR><LF>  combination. 
XML code with elements and attributes, including ContentTranslate and ContentReadOnly tags, indicating translatable text and notes for translators.

This is problematic in the XML element which holds translatable text as all the text is parsed in one segment instead of several segments.

Trados Studio interface showing segments with translatable text 'Comfortable travel.' and 'Demo Coach' with a warning for 'StairImport Leg emb 4'.

2. There is a context description XML element that give some additional info to translator and I wanted to use the the "preview" function (credit to  blog).  
Split screen with XML code on the left and XSLT code on the right, with a preview section below showing how the XML content will appear.

To resolve the issue with <LF> I used the Embedded Content Processor, and this get me translatable content segmented correctly, but, causing to be unable to use the preview at the same time.

Trados Studio interface with segments listed and a warning for 'Embedded Content Plain Text v' and 'StairImport XML2'.

Now, I'm asking myself if there is anything else that I could do to get the translatable content segmented correctly and stil get the Preview or to be able to show the additonal info Studio Editor? 

Thank you


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[edited by: Trados AI at 7:13 AM (GMT 0) on 29 Feb 2024]