I guess, I have made it properly in terms of PlugIns itself.
But, I do not know How to use it in Trados Studio.
It doesn't have RWS signature yet.
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[edited by: Trados AI at 7:23 AM (GMT 0) on 29 Feb 2024]

I guess, I have made it properly in terms of PlugIns itself.
But, I do not know How to use it in Trados Studio.
It doesn't have RWS signature yet.
Hi Kelly Edward
Indeed anyone who is inclined can create a plugin and as you pointed it should have a RWS signature.
Was this just a procedure test or do you have a plugin that you want us to sign?
Have a good day
Lydia Simplicio | RWS Group
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Hi Kelly Edward
Indeed anyone who is inclined can create a plugin and as you pointed it should have a RWS signature.
Was this just a procedure test or do you have a plugin that you want us to sign?
Have a good day
Lydia Simplicio | RWS Group
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Kelly Edward
Im in fear you have misunderstood me.
You dont need a signature to install a plugin and use it - as you quite rightfully mentioned users may need to run through bug-fixing cycles before they are happy.
After which we then recommend to get the RWS signature.
As your screen shot shows, you have a plugin.
How to use it in Trados Studio was your question and for that I cant answer you - as it depends on the intention/purpose of the app
Lydia Simplicio | RWS Group
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As your screen shot shows, you have a plugin.
As you can see in above screenshot, I do have "0" (zero) PlugIn installed (Blue circled number) and in Real Trados Studio there is no "Action Icon" for my PlugIn.
Kelly Edward
No the blue 0 that you are referring to indicates if the plugin has since been updated or not, post install.
It is not an indicator of approved apps and therefore imposes restrictions.
If you have an app as you screen shot shows - then its ready to be used
Lydia Simplicio | RWS Group
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What's your point ?
The PlugIn I have made does not work properly, So I have posted help but You do not understand the problem at all.
You insist that it is installed.
OK, Let's say you're right.
Why it doesn't work ?
Where is my Icon ?
I am not testing a Mission to Mars.
I am testing tiny PlugIn, it displays an Icon and when you press it, it "Beep"s.
That's all,
For version2022, it is extremely hard to accomplish.
In version2022, it should present above Icon too - this screenshot is captured in version2017.
Kelly Edward given you have it working for 2017 and its not showing for 2022 you may find this resource helpful: https://developers.rws.com/studio-api-docs/articles/hints_tips/Update_Plugins/update_plugins_to_Studio2022.html
Lydia Simplicio | RWS Group
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You Do Not Understand it At All.
You Do Not have any (even basic) problem solving knwledge about version2022 PlugIns.
I have made it for version 2022 specifically.
I have made PluIns for version2017, almost thousand of them.
I have made PluIns for version2019, too.
I have made PluIns for version2021, also.
Now, I have made "a" PlugIns for version 2022. OK ?
Kelly Edward
We can bring all this information and documented resources to your attention, but if if it still does not work as you expect then we could possibly take a discretionary closer look
Lydia Simplicio | RWS Group
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do NOT suggest anything if you do not understand it.
Thanks for your precious time and efforts, I appreciated it, really.
Have a good day.