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version2022 PlugIn, How to use it ?

I guess, I have made it properly in terms of PlugIns itself.

But, I do not know How to use it in Trados Studio.

It doesn't have RWS signature yet.

Trados Studio RWS AppStore window showing 'Installed plug-ins' section with 'Testing version2022 PlugIns' by 'No named' selected. An 'Update all' button is visible at the top.


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[edited by: Trados AI at 7:23 AM (GMT 0) on 29 Feb 2024]
Parents Reply Children

    We can bring all this information and documented resources to your attention, but if if it still does not work as you expect then we could possibly take a discretionary closer look

    Lydia Simplicio | RWS Group

    Design your own training!

    You've done the courses and still need to go a little further, or still not clear? 
    Tell us what you need in our Community Solutions Hub

  • no

    do NOT suggest anything if you do not understand it.

    Thanks for your precious time and efforts, I appreciated it, really.
    Have a good day.

  • OK ?

    No  , it is not OK to be aggressive/divisive, if indeed that is what you are doing.

    Nor is it OK to contradict yourself then accuse  of not understanding. Lyds is an experienced expert who is being very professional in the way she is handling your interaction.

    You Do Not Understand it At All.

    The only way anyone could understand you is if they could read your mind. You do not provide a full, detailed description of what you require help with. This is essential to the understanding of RWS consultants when you start a thread requesting help.

    You Do Not have any (even basic) problem solving knwledge about version2022 PlugIns.

    Kelly, that is not true, and you have no evidence to base that statement upon. Lydia is doing an excellent job.

    OK, Now.. can the other owner tell me what do I have to do ?

    I am guessing that you know that he is on leave, and I suspect that is why you have increased your participation. If not, please calm down and allow him to enjoy his rest time as he works hard, beyond the call of duty and does an amazing job.

    I congratulate Lyds for continuing to provide her expert support to you.

    If you have a genuine request for help, describe it fully in the first post of your thread and be polite, please.

      I am including you to make you aware of this thread, in the absence of Paul.

    All the best to all

    Ali Worried

  • Thank you  as  has turned down our offer for us to take a discretionary closer look at the 2022 code but has been given the 2022 specific developer information to review and align - I will close this post down so the negative trend does not continue 

    Lydia Simplicio | RWS Group

    Design your own training!

    You've done the courses and still need to go a little further, or still not clear? 
    Tell us what you need in our Community Solutions Hub
