Merge feature in Studio 2014 SP 2

Former Member
Former Member

2 days ago, I bought Studio 2014 in order to be able to merge several files into one when a package contains more than one file; and now I find that this feature does not work in the current version of Studio 2014 SP 2 version 11.2.4409.10 - highly annoying!! How can I downgrade to the previous version in which, I am told, this merge function in the Editor view works seamlessly. Anyone???

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  • Former Member
    0 Former Member in reply to Fasil Aziz
    Hi Fas,

    I have not logged a service request; I work as a freelancer for SDL Denmark and they told me that have experienced this problem with the latest version/build. They also said that the tech guys were aware of the issue so that a future update probably will fix it.

    My question here was how I could revert back to the previous build which - according to my SDL Denmark PM - should not trigger this problem. I tried Walter's approach, but since I only upgraded to Studio 2014 yesterday, I have only one CU (I found it Walter!). Any suggestions, Fas, as I have just received a new task with 23 individual files?
