Merge feature in Studio 2014 SP 2

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2 days ago, I bought Studio 2014 in order to be able to merge several files into one when a package contains more than one file; and now I find that this feature does not work in the current version of Studio 2014 SP 2 version 11.2.4409.10 - highly annoying!! How can I downgrade to the previous version in which, I am told, this merge function in the Editor view works seamlessly. Anyone???

  • Can you tell a bit more precisely why you believe that this feature does not work?
    You don't need to downgrade because this feature works fine in Studio 2014 SP2. To make sure, you do the right thing, let me explain how it works.

    The virtual merge feature is not related to packages, it is a general feature that allows you to select several files in a project (regardless of how this project was created, by receiving a package or by creating it from scratch) and works in a different way than the Merge feature used when creating packages.
    To use it, go to the view "Files" of your project. Now, instead of double-clicking on one of the files to open it in the Editor, you select several files by clicking on the first and SHIFT-clicking on the last (in the same way as you select several files in Windows Explorer), then instead of double-clicking, you click right and select "Open for translation". This opens all selected files one behind the other in your Editor, so you can work on all files together. As soon as you close the document in the Editor, the individual files are back. There is no physical merge, the merged document exists only for the time you have the files open in your Editor.

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member in reply to Walter Blaser
    Hi Walter.

    I 'do not believe' it doesn't work. I doesn't work! I a aware how it should work - i.e. the selection process you mention - but I have experienced two types of errors: one with Object References and one where I cannot Enter completed segments.

    I know for a fact that it does not work in the Studio 2014 SP 2 version 11.2.4409.10 in that others have the same problem (employees from SDL in fact) and have been told that it is a bug in this version. Hence, my question!

  • Hi Annette

    This bug must be related to specific situations then or it has been introduced with the latest CU.
    I still use CU 8 (build 11.2.4408.10) and don't have any problems merging files.
    If you want to go back to CU 8, go to the Windows Control Panel - Programs and Features - Installed Updates and search for the SDL updates. Then uninstall the latest CU.

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member in reply to Walter Blaser
    Hi Walter,

    Thanks for the advice, I'll try that.

    But please explain what is meant by CU? I am not familiar with this abbreviation.

  • Hi Annette

    I have just tried the virtual merge function in Studio 2014 SP2 Build 11.2.4409.10 and cannot reproduce the error you mention. I have searched our support portal and cannot find any cases related to this issue under your registered email address - you may have used a different email address to log this particular issue. Please can you provide the support case number or bug id provided by the support team so I can look into this for you.



    Fas Aziz | Desktop Life Cycle Service Manager | SDL | Support Operations, Support Lifecycle

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member in reply to Fasil Aziz
    Hi Fas,

    I have not logged a service request; I work as a freelancer for SDL Denmark and they told me that have experienced this problem with the latest version/build. They also said that the tech guys were aware of the issue so that a future update probably will fix it.

    My question here was how I could revert back to the previous build which - according to my SDL Denmark PM - should not trigger this problem. I tried Walter's approach, but since I only upgraded to Studio 2014 yesterday, I have only one CU (I found it Walter!). Any suggestions, Fas, as I have just received a new task with 23 individual files?

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member in reply to Fasil Aziz
    Hi Fas,

    I have not logged a service request; I work as a freelancer for SDL Denmark and they told me that have experienced this problem with the latest version/build. They also said that the tech guys were aware of the issue so that a future update probably will fix it.

    My question here was how I could revert back to the previous build which - according to my SDL Denmark PM - should not trigger this problem. I tried Walter's approach, but since I only upgraded to Studio 2014 yesterday, I have only one CU (I found it Walter!). Any suggestions, Fas, as I have just received a new task with 23 individual files?

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