Confirming all segments at once

Hi everybody,

It would be great to add a "Confirm all" option to the menu below. Often, at the end of a translation, you have to use the spellchecker and fix some typos or to do some cosmetic adjustments, such as replacing " ' " with " ’ " in the whole document, which can affect many segments, moreover if it is a long translation. Then you have to confirm every modified segment one by one, which can be long. Unless I miss an option somewhere, there is no way to confirm everything at once.

I actually found a solution in the forum, that involves highlighting all the segments, then changing their statuts into "confirmed", then batch updating manually the main TM from the translated file, but it is not really satisfying, since it is not strait forward.

Why not adding a mere Confirm all command in the ribbon?

Trados Studio menu with options to confirm segments individually but no 'Confirm all' option present.

[edited by: Paul at 4:34 PM (GMT 0) on 18 Mar 2024]
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  • Hi  

    Did you not notice that   is the top Community Leader historically. This means he is recorded as the most expert non-RWS employed user since Trados was first being used and tested via an online cooperation, over many years. 

    It disappoints me that you could say that he's not speaking the truth, particularly in reply to a thread that is over a year old. Jerzy's user knowledge is second to none. I have learnt so much from him over the years that, if he gives an explanation of Trados functionality, I know he's right.

    You could, instead, ask him to teach you what you don't know about Trados.

    Please be kinder in your replies,

    All the best,

    Ali Slight smile

  • Well Allison, he can be as old as Methusalem and historcally a leader, but is simply not telling the truth:
    -unconfirmed segments cannot be filtered, selected and confirmed all at once in Trados (in MemoQ it's done in seconds)
    -it's complete nonsense to claim that locking/unlocking cannot be done in MemoQ
    As much as you trust him, I know now that he cannot be trusted. I think he likes to preach for his own paraochy, with belivers like yourself, denying the truth (NOT mine, as he untruthfully says: we're talking software features here).
    I can only feel deep and sincere disrespect for an untrustworthy person like that.


    • You can filter on any kind of segment in Trados Studio and combine the filtering with whatever words, regex or other criteria you need.
      It's not the program fault, if you do not know that.
    • I cannot unlock segment in a project from a customer. I can unlock any segment in Trados.
    • You can select as many segments in Trados as you wish and confirm them at once. It's not the program fault, if you do not know that. The difference here will only be, that in such case Trados will NOT store the confirmed segments in the TM, you must do that manually. memoQ will store them at once, which is not always the better option.

    So you seem to know memoQ very well, but fail to know the basics in Trados.

    This said, please stop this discussion here, this is not Facebook. We are here in Trados forum, so it does not really matter what memoQ or other tools can or cannot do. If you need help with anything in Trados, you are very welcome to ask any question here. You may rest assured, that the community here will be pleased to answer. And if a function is not available, you are very welcome to post and idea with the required function.


    So, you want me to trust your accuracy ... even though you can't even observe and spell my name correctly? That doesn't bother me, it's a small thing. It just shows that you don't always research the facts even if they are right in front of you. Unless of course, you wish to tell me that I don't know how to spell my own name (just joking Wink).

    Seriously, though, I know from experience that unconfirmed segments CAN be filtered, selected and confirmed all at once in Trados. You just need to know how. It is bound to be different to MemoQ as they are totally different in the way they work, but is definitely possible...

    For example, if I wished to achieve this, I would use the Advanced Filter to filter for all unconfirmed segments via their current status or the opposite thereof, depending on what I was hoping to achieve, and click 'Apply filter'. Then I would left-click into the rectangle above the first number cell, which effectively selects all, then right-click and select 'Change segment status' then follow the arrow and then left-click on the list item that was required depending on the mode I was currently working in. So, in Translation mode, I would click on 'Translated', 'Translation Accepted' or 'Signed off', in Review mode, the second and third item I have just named, or in Sign off mode, the third item.

    However, there are other ways to do this. It's just my modus operandum and I'm so used to it that it takes very little time.

    So, could it not simply be that you don't actually know, because you haven't researched, whether Jerzy's knowledge is based on truth or not?

    I'm just asking you to 'think outside the box' and give yourself the right to learn from others. Then we also may be able to learn from you, if you decide to participate in the Community to help others the way that we do. That is what this Community has always been about in my experience. I find this is liberating and makes for a better life.

    All the best,

    Ali Slight smile

    PS: I'm not Jerzy's 'believer', just a user who respects him as having more knowledge than I. Also, number 2 in the historical community though that's only because I've been using Trados since years before Studio was created.


    I think we should try to keep things civil.  I don't know why Willem felt the need to post here in the first place without knowing enough about Trados, but nonetheless let's keep the discussion civil please.

    I thought I'd just do a quick video to show you one way to tackle the things mentioned, but there are many... just depends on how you're working and what your preferences are:

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Hi  

    Thank you! 

    Excellent, much more comprehensive than my wordy explanation! Blush

    All the best,

    Ali Smiley

  • PS:   I tried to delete both my replies to Willem, above, but the site wouldn't let me. So, feel free to delete them Smiley

  • Thanks for your popsitive appraoch, Paul, much appreciated.
    There is much to learn for me when it comes to Trados indeed, but the thing is; in MemoQ it's all so much more intuitive and less complicated. 
    In Trados the learning curve is slow and it's not for nothing that these questions about Trados functionality pop up again and again and effective answers are hard or even impossible to find. It's exactly why this question of Philippe was posted, and instead of a simple solution all kinds of complicated procedures were suggested.

    Now in my case I work on a pre-translated file in Trados with segments in various states, so if I follow your scheme I would have to select various types: Draft, Translated and Translation rejected I guess. How does the mouse selection even work with a multi page doc like this one of 25K words, where like a thousand segments need to be confirmed at once? I can't hover over multiple pages, can I? 

    In MemoQ it's simply called what it is: confirmed/unconfirmed, and I don't have to mouse select segments but I simply use Ctrl+Shift+A for selecting all segments and push the button 'Confirm'.

    I got triggered by the fact that Jerzy claims things that are not correct, trying to make MemoQ look bad; there's no need for that, if he's the expert he claims to be.

    Thanks again


    There is much to learn for me when it comes to Trados indeed, but the thing is; in MemoQ it's all so much more intuitive and less complicated. 

    I would have to say this is a matter of opinion.  I have used memoQ for a good 10-years or so by now and I still find it difficult to work with because I don't use it regularly.  When I first started looking at it I found it was easy to get started, but difficult to deal with more complex things.  These days I really think most things are easier in Trados.  But it's just an opinion and I'm sure we could debate this till the cows come home!

    It's exactly why this question of Philippe was posted, and instead of a simple solution all kinds of complicated procedures were suggested.

    I agree.  He wanted an easy way to confirm them all and I also think such a feature would be nice.  But there are many other ways to manage it.  If you look for a feature that's in another tool you use and it's not there and you prefer the other tool then no matter what anyone says you'll be unhappy.  That's life and it works both ways!

    so if I follow your scheme I would have to select various types: Draft, Translated and Translation rejected I guess. 

    Not really.  You could select translated and then click reverse.  That'll get you everything apart from your selection.

    How does the mouse selection even work with a multi page doc like this one of 25K words, where like a thousand segments need to be confirmed at once? I can't hover over multiple pages, can I? 

    Do you mean a multi-page Doc or separate files that you opened in separate tabs... instead of opening them all in one?  If you did the latter and opened them all the easiest approach would as Ali suggested.  Click the top left corner to elect everything you filtered on and then right-click to change the status to translated.  If you want the changes in your TM then you'd run a batch task to update.  Not as neat as the idea of having a confirm all button as requested by the original poster, but it would work.  Or do as I showed in the video.

    You don't need to have files open in separate tabs if they are part of the same project.

    In MemoQ it's simply called what it is: confirmed/unconfirmed, and I don't have to mouse select segments but I simply use Ctrl+Shift+A for selecting all segments and push the button 'Confirm'.


    I got triggered by the fact that Jerzy claims things that are not correct, trying to make MemoQ look bad; there's no need for that, if he's the expert he claims to be.

    Jerzy is without doubt an expert.  I think some of the content was misunderstandings and terminology.  I know Jerzy has used memoQ for a long time as well, but for the way he works he prefers Trados... simple as that.  Horses for courses"!

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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