Error Studio 2022

Studio 2022 is not working because  "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: baseUrl. 

Thank in advance - Jola Durazzano

Parents Reply

    Dear Paul

    The problem seems to be bigger. Jola cannot describe it, so I'll try here.

    The appdata folder with Trados 17 plugins was completely empty, even if Studio 2022 listed several plugins installed. This was strange, so I first tried a repair installation of Studio and as it did not want to start at all, I removed the typical xml settings files and reinstalled Studio from the installer as admin. However, instead of making the situation better, it became worse... Now Studio does not start at all, the splash screen appears for less than a second to disappear completely. So I am not able to start Studio at all.

    What can be the reason for such behavior? What steps can I take to repair Studio 2022?
