Hi Paul,
I got a specifc urgent question. I got a survey xml from my client. I created a custome xml filetype for it to grab all translatable strings, but I also got a file with questions (IDs) to exlude. Is it possible to filter these via filetype?
The inline elements to be translated are <p> and <computed> and they are nested within several parent elements of which the main one is <question number="x" type="xy">.
So my question is, it is possible to set up a filter to say only show <p> and <computed> for translation if <question …> attribute number is not any of listed ones (e.g. (regex) (258|259|260|1130|2255))?
Or maybe add a new element <exclude> around them, so they won't be listed for translation (I would then have to remove these before returning the translation)?
Best regards,
better formulation of question while using correct terminology
[edited by: Pascal Zotto at 1:49 PM (GMT 1) on 15 May 2023]