Search & replace multiple words/terms in pre-translated segments?

I often find myself doing multiple search & replace of the same words again and again in pre-translated segments and I'm thinking there's got to be a way to automate that somewhow, perhaps using a script. Any ideas?

  • Hello,

    Absolutely, Trados Studio has a feature that can help you with this. It's called "MultiTerm Replace" and it allows you to replace multiple terms in one go. Here's how you can use it:

    Step 1: Open your project in Trados Studio.

    Step 2: Go to the "Review" tab.

    Step 3: Click on "Search" in the "Editing" group.

    Step 4: In the "Search" dialog box, click on the "Replace" tab.

    Step 5: Enter the term you want to find in the "Search for" box.

    Step 6: Enter the term you want to replace it with in the "Replace with" box.

    Step 7: Click on "Add to List". This will add the pair to the list of terms to be replaced.

    Step 8: Repeat steps 5 to 7 for all the terms you want to replace.

    Step 9: Once you've added all the terms, click on "Replace All".

    This will replace all instances of the terms in the list throughout your project. Please note that this feature is case-sensitive, so make sure to enter the terms exactly as they appear in your text.

    I hope this helps! If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.

    Best regards,

    RWS Community AI

  • Excuse me, say what?!

    I'm not seeing "Editing" in the Review tab, but I do have it in my Home tab:

    Trados Studio Home tab showing options for Find, Replace, Select All, and Editing.

    I'm not seeing "Search", and Find and Replace simply open the normal Find/Replace window:

    Trados Studio Find and Replace window with tabs for Find and Replace, input fields for 'Find what:' and 'Replace with:', and various search options.

    Not seeing an "Add to list" option here.

    Can someone help me out? It sounds like an interesting feature.


    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 11:47 AM (GMT 0) on 29 Feb 2024]
  • Thanks Paul and Jesús! So I uninstalled AHK 2.0 and installed – same result :-(

    I'm using the script exactly as Paul wrote it, except for the link to the settings file. I'm using the English UI for both Windows and Trados. Windows Spy isn't telling me anything particular. So again, the script is triggered when I close the drop-down box, cycles through all the replacements, tells me the operation is complete, but nothing gets changed in the target column. I'm owing a beer (at least one!) to anyone who can help me solve this!


    ok - I was testing a bit and I happened to do it on my laptop screen instead of the external monitor I used before and it failed... as yours does.  

    The positioning of the dropdown menu and the final message box in the script is dependent on the position of the active window (Trados Studio) when the hotkey is pressed. The coordinates are retrieved using WinGetPos, PosX, PosY,,, A, which gets the position of the active window in screen coordinates, and these are then used to position the GUIs.

    When moving between screens with different resolutions or scaling settings, the relative position of the window can change, and it might end up being displayed partially or fully off-screen and throw off the way the script works.  To mitigate this issue I used SysGet to get the size and position of the monitor where the active window is located, and then ensure that the GUIs are positioned within these bounds.

    So try this... and fingers crossed you have the same issue!

    ^!h:: ; The hotkey for Ctrl+Alt+H to start the process
    global filePaths := {} ; Create an associative array to store full file paths
    global fileNames := "" ; Create a variable to store the file names
    global PosX, PosY ; Create global variables to store the dropdown menu's position
    Gui, Add, DropDownList, w450 vFilePath ; Add a dropdown list to the GUI with width of 400
    Gui, Font, s12 ; Set the font size to 12
    Loop, Read, c:\AHK scripts\settings.txt ; Read the hardcoded settings file line by line
        SplitPath, A_LoopReadLine, name, dir, ext, name_no_ext, drive ; Split the file path into parts
        fileNames .= name_no_ext . "|" ; Add the file name (without extension) to the string, separated by "|"
        filePaths[name_no_ext] := A_LoopReadLine ; Store the full file path in the associative array
    fileNames := SubStr(fileNames, 1, StrLen(fileNames) - 1) ; Remove the last "|"
    GuiControl,, FilePath, %fileNames% ; Set the items of the dropdown list
    WinGetPos, PosX, PosY, Width, Height, A ; Get the position and size of the active window
    SysGet, Monitor, MonitorWorkArea, % "Monitor" . ((PosX + Width / 2) // (A_ScreenWidth / A_ScreenCount) + 1) ; Get the work area of the monitor where the window's center is located
    if (PosX < MonitorLeft)
        PosX := MonitorLeft
    else if (PosX > MonitorRight - 500) ; 500 is the width of the GUIs
        PosX := MonitorRight - 500
    if (PosY < MonitorTop)
        PosY := MonitorTop
    else if (PosY > MonitorBottom - 100) ; 100 is the height of the GUIs
        PosY := MonitorBottom - 100
    PosY := PosY - 150 ; Subtract 150 from PosY
    Gui, Show, x%PosX% y%PosY% w500 h100, Select a file ; Show the GUI at the position of the active window with a larger window
    WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, On, A ; Make the GUI always stay on top of other windows
    GuiClose: ; When the GUI is closed
    Gui, Submit, NoHide ; Store the dropdown list's current selection in the variable filePath
    filePath := filePaths[filePath] ; Retrieve the full file path from the associative array
    Gui, Destroy ; Destroy the GUI
    GoSub, StartReplace ; Continue with the search and replace operation
    WinActivate, ahk_exe SDLTradosStudio.exe ; Activate SDL Trados Studio
    Loop, Read, %filePath% ; Read the selected file line by line
        StringSplit, line, A_LoopReadLine, `t ; Split the line into "line1" (search term) and "line2" (target term)
        searchTerm := line1 ; Assign the search term
        targetTerm := line2 ; Assign the target term
        ; Click in the "Find what" field
        ControlClick, Edit2, ahk_exe SDLTradosStudio.exe
        Sleep, 100
        ; Select all text and delete it
        Send, {Home}+{End}{Del}
        Sleep, 100
        ; Send the search term keystrokes
        Send, {Text}%searchTerm%
        Sleep, 100
        ; Click in the "Replace with" field
        ControlClick, Edit1, ahk_exe SDLTradosStudio.exe
        Sleep, 100
        ; Select all text and delete it
        Send, {Home}+{End}{Del}
        Sleep, 100
        ; Send the target term keystrokes
        Send, {Text}%targetTerm%
        Sleep, 100
        ; Click the "Replace All" button
        ControlClick,, ahk_exe SDLTradosStudio.exe
        Sleep, 100
    ; PosY := PosY - 150 ; Subtract 150 from PosY
    Gui, 2:New, +AlwaysOnTop ; Create a new GUI for our custom message box
    Gui, 2:Font, s12 ; Set the font size to 12
    Gui, 2:Add, Text, w500 h50, The search and replace operation is complete. ; Add a text element to the GUI
    Gui, 2:Show, x%PosX% y%PosY% w500 h100, Operation Complete ; Show the GUI at the position of the dropdown menu with the title "Operation Complete"
    Sleep, 500 ; Wait for 500 milliseconds (half a second)
    WinActivate, Operation Complete ; Activate the GUI window using its unique title
    2GuiClose: ; When the custom message box is closed
    Gui, 2:Destroy ; Destroy the GUI

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Oh! Now you can reproduce the issue! But who would have thought the issue might lie in multiple screens? I do use multiple screens; two of them are connected to my laptop. I tried your new script, but alas, not luck. So just to check, I disconnected the two external monitors and rebooted to try it out on my laptop screen alone. Again, no luck. Still cycling through the replacements and gives me an "Operation complete" message, but nothing gets changed in the target column. I'm really puzzled! And unfortunately not technical enough to work on a solution. But definitely eager to keep trying anything else you might suggest. That said, have a wonderful weekend, my friend!


    Can you try running the script with administrative rights?

    Right-click on the AutoHotkey script (.ahk) file and select "Run as administrator".

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

    Design your own training!

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    This control name can be the reason of the Replace All button never getting clicked. In my Trados Studio is:

    Rene: You need to look here in the Spy tool while hoovering the mouse over the Replace All button:

    Window Spy tool showing details of the 'Replace All' button in Trados Studio with control name ''.

    Then copy the control name & paste it to the script.


    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 11:47 AM (GMT 0) on 29 Feb 2024]
  • Bingo! This works for me :-) On first try, it didn't work, but then I moved Trados from my external monitor to my laptop screen and voilà! Thanks so much Jesús and mucho thanks also to Paul for bringing us closer to the solution. Looks like I owe you guys a beer!

    One quick question about accents. Replacements with accented characters are transformed in the process. For example, "é" in the replacements lists becomes "é" in the target column. Is there an easy way to address that?

    Thanks again and happy Sunday to both of you!


  • Running the script as an administrator did not make any difference, but Jesús solution above does work, provided I have Trados on my laptop screen and not on a external monitor. So it looks like it is indeed an issue with the positioning of the window. Really appreciate you help with this, Paul. Thanks so much once again!

  • Actually, don't bother with my last question. I just found out diacritics are conveyed properly when the replacements file is saved as UTF-8 with BOM

  • ,

    Glad it is working now!

    Also, if you find that the script has stopped working, check the control name with Spy Tool. Some years ago, this happened to me after a Trados Studio update. Some controls just change name from time to time, ever without restarting Trados.

  • Good to know! Thanks again Jesús and have a great start of your week!

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