Trados Studio: SLOW! A common problem... but can't find any answers: have you?

Former Member
Former Member

Like many of you, I have been searching everywhere for an answer to the slow loading of documents in Trados Studio. 

But can't find an answer anywhere on this forum (see, e.g. (+) Trados is so slow... - 5. Machine Translation - Trados Studio - RWS Community)

I'm new to Trados... and in the next week, I have the option of renewing my WF package... which is very tempting because even loading a simple Trados file takes 10 minutes.

And, yes, I have the latest system. And yes, I have the latest Trados. And yes, I have tried everything that I have understood from the Forum suggestions - but the idea that I am going to do anything hyper-technical when my Studio is brand-new, my computer is brand-new... BMW don't ask me to go under the bonnet of my new car if it won't accelerate! (not that I have a BMW).

So, anyone have any anti-slow solutions?

  • Hi  

    Have you tried turning off Look Ahead and Fragment Matching?

    I keep several functions that I rarely use turned OFF, which for me always prevents Trados Studio being slow or crashing. Even if you have no speed or stability problems normally, they can still happen occasionally with a big/old/complex project. Here's what works for me:

    1) Go to File > Options > Editor > Automation then UNtick 'Enable LookAhead' under 'Translation Memory' and UNtick 'Enable verification of segment' under 'After Confirming Segments Manually'

    Trados Studio options menu with 'Enable LookAhead' and 'Enable verification of segment' options unchecked to improve speed.

    Both these options should help speed things up. You can then verify the file after you've finished working on it all in one go via the Review tab > Verify or by clicking F8.

    Then, in the Project Settings or via File>Options if you create your own projects from scratch or work via Translate Single File, turn OFF upLift Match Repair:

    Trados Studio project settings showing 'Match Repair' option turned off for the Editor and Batch Tasks.

    Turning this setting OFF in each project I receive helps stabilise files that for some reason cause Studio to crash. I am sure it helps with speed too.

    If you want to know what any setting means under File > Options or under Project Settings, click the Help button bottom right of the settings window:

    Trados Studio project settings with 'Match Repair' option off and 'Help' button highlighted at the bottom right.

    Keeping these settings turned on if you need them should work fine if you have a hi-spec fast computer and an excellent broadband connection. However, in less than perfect scenarios or with huge slow projects, it can help to turn one or all of them off.

    If the above isn't enough, I also keep Fragment Matching turned off, here:

    As most of my work is proofreading in Review mode, I don't need fragment matching turned on. I even have the Fragment Matches window closed in the Editor view.

    I always have them all turned off until I need them, and Studio works well for me...

    I hope this helps,

    All the best,

    Ali Smiley


    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 1:06 PM (GMT 0) on 29 Feb 2024]
  • Hi  

    Have you tried turning off Look Ahead and Fragment Matching?

    I keep several functions that I rarely use turned OFF, which for me always prevents Trados Studio being slow or crashing. Even if you have no speed or stability problems normally, they can still happen occasionally with a big/old/complex project. Here's what works for me:

    1) Go to File > Options > Editor > Automation then UNtick 'Enable LookAhead' under 'Translation Memory' and UNtick 'Enable verification of segment' under 'After Confirming Segments Manually'

    Trados Studio options menu with 'Enable LookAhead' and 'Enable verification of segment' options unchecked to improve speed.

    Both these options should help speed things up. You can then verify the file after you've finished working on it all in one go via the Review tab > Verify or by clicking F8.

    Then, in the Project Settings or via File>Options if you create your own projects from scratch or work via Translate Single File, turn OFF upLift Match Repair:

    Trados Studio project settings showing 'Match Repair' option turned off for the Editor and Batch Tasks.

    Turning this setting OFF in each project I receive helps stabilise files that for some reason cause Studio to crash. I am sure it helps with speed too.

    If you want to know what any setting means under File > Options or under Project Settings, click the Help button bottom right of the settings window:

    Trados Studio project settings with 'Match Repair' option off and 'Help' button highlighted at the bottom right.

    Keeping these settings turned on if you need them should work fine if you have a hi-spec fast computer and an excellent broadband connection. However, in less than perfect scenarios or with huge slow projects, it can help to turn one or all of them off.

    If the above isn't enough, I also keep Fragment Matching turned off, here:

    As most of my work is proofreading in Review mode, I don't need fragment matching turned on. I even have the Fragment Matches window closed in the Editor view.

    I always have them all turned off until I need them, and Studio works well for me...

    I hope this helps,

    All the best,

    Ali Smiley


    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 1:06 PM (GMT 0) on 29 Feb 2024]