Hi, my Find and Replace box remains on screen even if I switch to other SW.

I am using Trados Studio 2022

My Find and Replace box remains on screen even if I switch to other SW.

Is there a way to make it exclusive to Studio? Thank you

Screenshot showing Trados Studio's Find and Replace dialog box overlapping a Google search page, indicating it stays on top of other applications.

Generated Image Alt-Text
[edited by: Trados AI at 12:35 PM (GMT 1) on 26 Apr 2024]
Parents Reply

    This has still not been resolved, and a quick search of the ideas section didn't help me find a request for this either

    I couldn’t find the idea either.

    I think the AutoHotkey script doesn’t solve the issue. The issue is that the Find and Replace dialog box remains on screen even if switched to another application. The AutoHotkey script makes that dialog box always on top, while the desired behaviour would be to hide it when Trados Studio is not active, and bring it back when Trados Studio is active. Pretty much like the Word application and its Find and replace dialog box. At least this is what understood from  …

    I believe that the idea you found is already implemented.
