Studio 2022 Find/Replace dialog box is always displayed on top

Hi folks
Does anyone know how to stop the Find/Replace dialog box from always being displayed on top?

In Studio 2017 when you clicked on another window/program the Find/Replace dialog box would then be in the background, below the clicked window/program and no longer in the way. In Studio 2022 it is always in the way (on top) so I either have to move it out of the way, or close it then open it again next time I need it.

This happens in Windows 10 and 11 so presumably it's something to do with Studio 2022. I recently updated Studio, no change.

Any ideas?

The Studio Find/Replace dialog box is always on top of any other window such as the browser as shown in this pic, also if I click in the browser window.

It's the only dialog box that does this. In Word for example the Search/Replace box goes to the background when clicking on Studio (or another program) and is displayed in the foreground when you click on Word again.

Here's what it looks like

Screenshot of a forum post discussing an issue with the Find and Replace dialog box in Studio 2022. The dialog box is open over the browser window.

Generated Image Alt-Text
[edited by: RWS Community AI at 12:58 PM (GMT 0) on 14 Nov 2024]

    I don't believe there is a setting for this. In a way it's almost funny as for years people complained that they wanted a way to put this window on top and now you want the opposite.  The solution many people provided to put this on top was to use AutoHotkey like this:

    WinSet, Alwaysontop, On, Find and Replace

    I didn't write this original script, I took it from here:  RE: Set a window Always On Top and then just edited it like this to do the opposite:

    ; Find & Replace windows always on top... turn them off!
    #IfWinActive Trados Studio
    Ctrl & f::
    SendInput, ^f
    Sleep, 99
    IfWinExist, Find and Replace
    WinActivate, Find and Replace
    WinSet, Alwaysontop, On, Find and Replace
    Sleep, 99
    WinSet, Alwaysontop, Off, Find and Replace
    Ctrl & h::
    SendInput, ^h
    Sleep, 99
    IfWinExist, Find and Replace
    WinActivate, Find and Replace
    WinSet, Alwaysontop, On, Find and Replace
    Sleep, 99
    WinSet, Alwaysontop, Off, Find and Replace

    It seems to work for me, so if you have AutoHotkey it may be what you're after until (if) it gets resolved.

      may have a better script as I just dabble with this stuff!

    Interestingly if you hadn't posted into the wrong forum I wouldn't have even thought about AutoHotkey to solve this ;-)

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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    I don't believe there is a setting for this. In a way it's almost funny as for years people complained that they wanted a way to put this window on top and now you want the opposite.  The solution many people provided to put this on top was to use AutoHotkey like this:

    WinSet, Alwaysontop, On, Find and Replace

    I didn't write this original script, I took it from here:  RE: Set a window Always On Top and then just edited it like this to do the opposite:

    ; Find & Replace windows always on top... turn them off!
    #IfWinActive Trados Studio
    Ctrl & f::
    SendInput, ^f
    Sleep, 99
    IfWinExist, Find and Replace
    WinActivate, Find and Replace
    WinSet, Alwaysontop, On, Find and Replace
    Sleep, 99
    WinSet, Alwaysontop, Off, Find and Replace
    Ctrl & h::
    SendInput, ^h
    Sleep, 99
    IfWinExist, Find and Replace
    WinActivate, Find and Replace
    WinSet, Alwaysontop, On, Find and Replace
    Sleep, 99
    WinSet, Alwaysontop, Off, Find and Replace

    It seems to work for me, so if you have AutoHotkey it may be what you're after until (if) it gets resolved.

      may have a better script as I just dabble with this stuff!

    Interestingly if you hadn't posted into the wrong forum I wouldn't have even thought about AutoHotkey to solve this ;-)

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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    I also finally managed to make this work with AHK version 2:

    ; Ensure "Find and Replace" window is always on top when Trados Studio is active
    ; and not always on top when Trados Studio is not active
    #Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
    #HotIf WinActive("ahk_exe SDLTradosStudio.exe")
    $^f:: triggerFindAndReplace()
    $^h:: triggerFindAndReplace()
    triggerFindAndReplace() {
        find := "Find and Replace" ; Window title of the Find and Replace window
        Send '^f'
        If WinWaitActive(find, "", 2) {
            WinSetAlwaysOnTop(1, find) ; Use 1 for On
    ;        SoundBeep(1500)
    ; Check the active window every 100 milliseconds
    SetTimer CheckActiveWindow, 100
    CheckActiveWindow() {
        find := "Find and Replace"
        activeWin := WinExist("A")
        if activeWin and WinActive("ahk_exe SDLTradosStudio.exe") {
            if WinExist(find) {
                WinSetAlwaysOnTop(1, find) ; Turn on always on top if Trados Studio is active
        } else {
            if WinExist(find) {
                WinSetAlwaysOnTop(0, find) ; Turn off always on top if Trados Studio is not active

    Works pretty nicely for me as well..

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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    Nice! I can’t test it, because I haven’t got AutoHotkey 2.0.

    I really like the syntax of AutoHotkey 2.0, but I don’t have plans to upgrade to 2.0 in the short term, because there are many lines of code to change. For sure I’ll do it when version 1 is not compatible with Windows 12… Grinning


    I totally understand that!  I'm not as technically experienced as you are with AHK and I actually found that with 1.0 ChatGPT gave me some powers I didn't have before to tackle far more ambitious solutions with AHK.  But when I switched to 2.0 it's become almost impossible as ChatGPT makes mistakes with using this and uses incorrect syntax all the time.  So updating 1.0 code is not a trivial task.

    I did ask in the forums when I got stuck with this "simple" task and the advice was really to start with something very small and simple and build it out.  So in the end I found I had to start learning how to use AHK more and then I was able to start getting some useful help.  If I found the syntax I needed to use for features first then ChatGPT is quite good at implementing them... in bite sized chunks!  So it's become even more of a collaborative approach with AI for me than it was before and I need to know more!

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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