Translation results box doesn't adjust to Trados with half-screen view

Hi there, I've always worked with Trados 2021, which until Friday was performing normally. I work with two screens: a smaller one on the left with dictionaries, etc. and a big one before me with usually the source on the left and trados on the right. 

Today though the translation results box doesn't "squeeze" and I can't see the whole translation nor the name of the TM/user (which is most useful as I know whom I can't trust from the company TM...).

Of course I can manually drag the mid line to the left but if there's more than 1-2 words they would still fall behind the TB box and the TM/user issue remains.

I tried clicking the 'reset window layout' but it doesn't help. 

Please advise, thank you!

Screenshot of Trados Studio interface showing Translation Results pane with a warning 'Different target in translation memory.' Contact information is visible at the top.

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[edited by: RWS Community AI at 6:49 AM (GMT 1) on 17 Jun 2024]