how to apply italics when they are not active/cómo poner algo en cursiva cuando no está activa la función

hola, pregunto sin revisar si ya se ha planteado esta duda en el foro.

SDL 2022, el proyecto viene de memoq convertido a xliff y no está activa la cursiva ni la negrita.

Hay alguna forma de activar la cursiva?

I ask without checking if this question has already been raised in the forum.

SDL 2022, the project comes from memoq converted to xliff and neither italics nor bold is active.

Is there any way to activate italics?

as you can see italic and other functions appear grey, not highlighted

como se aprecia en la imagen, las funciones están en gris, no salen resaltadas

Screenshot of Trados Studio interface showing a translation project with text segments in Portuguese and Spanish. The formatting toolbar is visible with italic and bold options greyed out, indicating they are inactive.

Generated Image Alt-Text
[edited by: RWS Community AI at 2:44 AM (GMT 1) on 30 Aug 2024]
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