My TM is no longer updated with new translations.


I use Trados Studio 2022, and have a TM that I can use to create new projects, but it is not updated with new translations, and will always return an error unless I delete that TM before finalizing the project. Any ideas, anyone?

Kind regards,

Michael Rhattigan

Parents Reply
  • Hi Paul,

    These pics are in Japanese, but I imagine everything is in the same place.

    I have attached an image showing the TM selected in the project with link showing the location of the TM (TM Location and Check Update Box), an image of the TM folder with update date shown as earlier today (this is when I upgraded the TM) (TM Update Time), an image showing that even though the segment has been translated, there is nothing appearing in the the upper left pane of the TM (No Data Update), and image showing the TM open (Memory Open) Btw, I can search within the memory.

    I am using Windows 11.

    I have checked the paths thoroughly.

    And I know it's not being updated because I can see it's not as can be seen in the "No Data Update" image, and because when I search the memory for a newly translated section, there's no hit.Screenshot of Trados Studio showing Translation Memories window with a selected TM. Update date highlighted, indicating recent upgrade.Screenshot of Trados Studio with a TM properties dialog box open, showing the file path and a warning message in Japanese.Screenshot of Trados Studio editor with a segment open, showing no translation results in the TM pane despite the segment being translated.Screenshot of Trados Studio showing the contents of a Translation Memory with English terms and their translations.


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    [edited by: RWS Community AI at 8:13 AM (GMT 1) on 20 Sep 2024]

    ok - this screenshot tells us you are still using OneDrive for this TM:

    Screenshot of Trados Studio showing a Translation Memory path located in a OneDrive directory, indicating potential synchronization issues.

    Whilst 100k TUs isn't massive by any stretch of the imagination, a TM of this size, especially one upgraded for fragment matching, is still of sufficient size to cause problems with synchronisation issues simply because it's pretty big to be synching to the cloud on a regular basis as you work.

    Please try putting this somewhere else that is not on the same path as OneDrive.  If you cannot prevent it from synching as explained before it's good to take a belt and braces approach and ensure that it's not even in a location where OneDrive can impact it at all.

    I would also note that Microsoft are not whiter than white here.  They regularly put out updates to OneDrive because these synching operations cause problems for many applications, sometimes even their own!  Since we don't support OneDrive in any way in a desktop application of Trados Studio you would be advised to do what you can to mitigate the potential problems this can cause.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: RWS Community AI at 9:18 AM (GMT 1) on 20 Sep 2024]