How to Prevent Auto-Populating Target Terms When Using an Empty Glossary in Trados Studio


I need to create an English-to-German glossary for translation. I started by creating an Excel spreadsheet with three columns: “English,” “German,” and “Notes.” The German column has been left empty as I don’t have the target terms yet and only want to provide English clarifications to translators. This will be filled in later.

I used Glossary Converter to convert the Excel file into a format that can be used in Trados Studio 2022. The file was automatically converted into an SDL Termbase (.sdltb). This is the field structure I set up in Glossary Converter:

Screenshot of Glossary Converter settings with fields for English and German set as Language and Note set as Entry Field Text.

I then opened the Termbase in SDL MultiTerm to confirm that everything looked correct, and it did. Here’s how it appears:

SDL MultiTerm interface showing a term 'Benchmarks' in English with its note, but no German translation provided.

Termbase Management window in SDL MultiTerm with the structure showing Note at Entry level and a Descriptive Fields section.

Next, I created a project in Trados Studio for translation from English to German and added the Termbase. Now, when I opened the files for translation and click on a segment containing a term with a corresponding entry in the Termbase, the source term is underlined, indicating that the Termbase recognizes it. However, the problem is that the target section is automatically populated with the English term, even though the German column in my Termbase is empty. and I don't see the notes section of the English term.

Trados Studio translation editor with a segment selected showing term recognition but no German term or notes displayed.

I’ve also tried creating the glossary with only two columns, “English” and “Notes,” to avoid this issue, but the result was the same. Additionally, I created the Termbase from scratch in SDL MultiTerm by importing the XML and log file instead of using Glossary Converter, but the problem persisted.

How can I ensure that the text from the "Notes" column in the Termbase appears as reference information, prevent the target section from being automatically filled with the source term, and successfully create glossaries?

Thank you,


Generated Image Alt-Text
[edited by: RWS Community AI at 12:51 AM (GMT 0) on 25 Jan 2025]
Parents Reply
  • Depends on what you want to achieve. In my opinion there is no or next to no disadvantage of deactivating automated translation. AT is IMO only good for segments similar to yours with alphanumeric or for only number segments. However, I can filter for only number or alphanumeric segments using a simple regex ^[\d\W]*$ When filtered, I select all segments and copy them to target. After that segments are confirmed and locked. In my case this is mostly enough, as I can use the same format for source and target. And automated translation of numbers or dates is prone to error, when the numbers are not properly written or have a format which can be treated as a date, but shouldn't be treated so. I rely more on auto propagation of complete segments, but do not use this neither for only number segments or only alphanumeric segments due to the error possibility there. So for me automated translation does not work or is not desirable.


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