Fragment match does not show up

I followed the setup instuctions found in but cannot see a fragmen match that in my opinion should be clearly available

Parents Reply
  • That's what I thought you meant... it was mentioned in both my blog and Emmas!  Probably neither of us went through it in the granular nature you have here (neither were intended to be a user manual :-)), but it was the first thing to do in both articles.

    In the Studio help... I searched for Fragment Matching and then looked through the results, there are quite a lot, and opened the one that said Translation Memory Settings:

    That explains the procedure, but I would agree that it's not very helpful.  I can make sense of what to do because I know, but for someone looking for some basic guidance it's not particularly clear.  Although I think once you get to the settings the process is pretty straightforward as you read the content:

    Perhaps  can take this back to TechPubs and refine the help a little... or show us where we should have been looking in the new help material.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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