By date
  • SDL TMS 12.1 | New Hotfixes


    We are pleased to announce the availability of these hotfixes that contain fixes for various reported issues on SDL TMS 12.1:

    When re-assigning a task for a language, all users assigned to other tasks for that language will get a notification.

    SDL TMS incorrectly assumed that other tasks in the same language had also been re-assigned.

    Notifications are now only sent for the tasks…

  • SDL TMS 12.1 | CRQ-11562 | Duplicate L10NComplete messages causes a silent…


    Using the SDL TMS API through CTA, multiple L10NComplete messages for the same task causes a silent failure and doesn't move the job on in the workflow.

    The duplicate messages were not handled correctly and threw a silent error which terminated processing of all subsequent messages.

    Duplicate messages are now ignored.

    SDL-hosted customers should contact SDL Support to arrange for this…

  • SDL TMS 12.1 | CRQ-12016 | Formatting tags generated in SDL Trados Studio…


    When returning a fuzzy match segment from a translation memory that contains more tags than the original segment, the extra formatting tags are not removed from the translation.

    The hotfix for CRQ-11178 introduced this issue.

    Extra tags in the translation are now removed when returning a fuzzy match from the translation memory.

    SDL-hosted customers should contact SDL Support to arrange…

  • SDL TMS 12.1 | CRQ-9830 | Tasks going to recovery during ApplyTM due to PRIMARY…


    During the ApplyTM stage, some files are failing to recovery because of a database PRIMARY KEY error.

    This happened as part of a "race condition" which caused the file to have two simultaneous workflows in the database.

    When a file has multiple workflows in the database, the stored procedure has been amended to use only the live workflow.

    SDL-hosted customers should contact SDL…

  • SDL TMS 12.1 | CRQ-6444 | Pre-processing stage sometimes generates a zero…


    Files that fail in the pre-processing stage of SDL TMS can report a zero word count even though the file is successfully re-processed.

    The failed processing was not being accurately detected and resubmitting the file did not update the word count.

    Failures in the pre-processing stage are now identified correctly and a second attempt to process the file, if successful, will correctly update…

  • SDL TMS 12.2 - General Availability


    We are pleased to announce the general availability of SDL TMS 12.2.

    For more information, see the SDL Community post here.

    Don't forget to subscribe to this new area to receive update notifications.

  • SDL TMS 12.1 | CRQ-12047 | Slow performance when downloading and uploading…


    Downloading or uploading SDL Trados Studio packages in SDL TMS 12.1 impacted the performance of the system and the website appeared to become unresponsive.

    Package download and upload was putting an extra message on the SDL TMS queue which was taking a long time to process. This extra message is not required in the majority of cases.

    SDL TMS now checks whether the extra message is necessary…

  • SDL TMS 12.1 | CRQ-4829 | Job error when executing database retry strateg…


    If a job fails to create due to a database deadlock, the database retry strategy attempts to create the job a second time but this results in a job error as the attributes for the job already exist.

    As above, this happens when the database procedure that creates the job fails to execute due to a deadlock and, when the procedure is executed a second time, the attributes for the job already exist which…

  • SDL TMS 12.1 | CRQ-11540 | Vendor user incorrectly assigned to the Translation…


    After the installation of the hotfix for CRQ-10419, some users were still being assigned incorrectly to the Translation step.

    This issue occurs when the job is authorized from the Authorization page and the same issue exists for other vendor-assigned workflow steps. The previous hotfix did not cover all cases of assignment.

    The provided hotfix remedies the issue and the workflow steps are…

  • SDL TMS 12.1 | CRQ-11178 | Characters "<" and ">" not encoded correctly after…


    When editing a segment in the browser-based editor in SDL TMS, these two characters, "<" and ">" , are not encoded correctly when the translation is saved. Instead of being stored using their encoded versions (&lt; and &gt;), they were being stored as literal characters. These characters would then be removed during the rebuild translation stage.

    The browser-based editor…

  • SDL TMS 12.1 | CRQ-10184 | Tasks stuck at "Moving to Next" status after batch…


    When batch submitting multiple tasks from the user's Inbox, some tasks were getting stuck at the "Moving to Next" step of the workflow.

    This issue occurred because the system was timing out when trying to process all the tasks in the batch. The root cause was discovered to be an inefficient database stored procedure which was taking too long to execute.

    The provided hotfix…

  • SDL TMS 12.1 | CRQ-10419 | When Translation is assigned to a vendor group…


    When the Translation step is assigned to a vendor group and the job is authorized, the step is assigned randomly to a member of the group instead of being assigned to the group itself.

    This issue occurs when the job is authorized from the Authorization page and the same issue exists for other vendor-assigned workflow steps.

    The provided hotfix remedies the issue and the workflow steps are…

  • SDL TMS 12.1 | CRQ-10512 | Poor performance of terminology analysis


    Running terminology analysis as a background task in SDL TMS could take a long time and cause the connection to SDL MultiTerm to time out.

    The stored procedure used to identify the segments for analysis was inefficient and could take up to ten minutes to execute.

    The stored procedure has been re-written to be much quicker. In addition, the connection to SDL MultiTerm is now more robust…

  • SDL TMS 12.1 | CRQ-10641 | Installing Microsoft security updates may prevent…


    Installing the security update for Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 (KB4338419, KB4338420) can prevent users from being able to access the SDL TMS user interface. Despite being able to log in normally, subsequent pages result in a server-side error. On some servers, the incompatibility is seen when starting the web site in which case the entire UI is inaccessible.

    The security update is a remediation…

  • SDL TMS 12.1 | SDL TMS 12.1 Release Announcement (July 2018)


    We are pleased to announce the general availability of SDL TMS 12.1. See below for some highlights of this minor version release.

    To make it easier for our customers to adhere to GDPR, SDL TMS 12.1 includes two improvements which ensure that data is removed permanently when it is no longer needed. These two features are:

    • Automatic deletion of archived files
    • Automatic deletion of log files

    Both settings are configurable…