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  • Add source and target text and sort function on Check results window (for inconsistent translation errors)

    • Under Community Review on
    Currently, when you check strings in Passolo (2016 CU11) for inconsistent translations, you get an - from the source text point of view - unsorted (and unsortable) results list containing only the string ID and the error category, in this case "Inconsistent...
  • Add sort to Check results

    • Under Community Review on
    Hello, when reviewing / checking after translation, I would welcome the possibility to sort errors by type - it would increase productivity of the task. Thanks
  • Possibility to release a session of only one user in license server manager

    • Under Community Review on
    It would be very helpful, to be able to release a session of only one user in the license server manager. If, for example, Passolo crashed on a users PC, one isn't able to restart Passolo and continue with working because the license is locked for about...
  • .NET parser setting to be able to select the translation file encoding

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    We receive .resx files with "UTF-8" encoding, but when Passolo generates the localized target files the files are encoded "UTF-8 with BOM". Can we have a setting in Passolo that would allow us to change the encoding of the target file?
  • Show number of occurrences in the Pre-translation dialog

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    When pre-translating strings it would be a great help to know how many times each suggested translation is used. This will give a quick hint as to which alternative translation would be the most relevant to choose. See screenshot below for suggested...
  • Include handling of JSON files which start with an Array into built-in JSON parser

    • Under Community Review on
    SDL support provided a workaround consisting in adding a root element manually to a JSON source file starting with an array since the built-in JSON parser cannot currently handle such JSON files. The workaround is fine but maybe enhancing the JSON parser...
  • Use History for Pretranslation

    • Under Community Review on
    Minor changes in strings cause the string to appear fully untranslated. Minor changes are for example changes in punctuation: "Hello. This is an example." --> "Hello ! This is an example." Since the string is changed and not deleted, i.e., not added...
  • Possibility of using glossaries during pretranslation

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    Hello, we're using the pretranslation function of Passolo with some translation ad-ins and we've some glossaries as well as a MultiTerm database connected, too. In the MultiTerm database as well as in some glossaries, forbidden terms/words are stored...
  • Dark mode for Passolo

    • Under Community Review on
    Why in Passolo 2016 I can't set up dark background for translation Windows? Do you know how eye-straining is, when I have to sit for 15 h and stare at so bright colors? In Passolo 2015 background was adapted to system colors - and because my color scheme...
  • Make "Find All" button the default // more prominent than "Find (next) button"

    • Under Community Review on
    When translators and proofreaders use Passolo, most of them tend to click the "Find" button instead of "Find all" button. This is due to the fact that the button is located right next to the search field where one enters the word to be searched. Actually...