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  • Allow users to specify the location of a termbase while creating the termbase during project creation

    • Under Community Review on
    Currently all MultiTerm termbases that you create while in the project creation window are saved to \Documents. The user is not offered any possibiity to specify the location. I find this to be an illogical limitation. Please add the possibility for...
  • Superscript Option

    • Under Community Review on
    Would it be possible to apply the Superscript option in Alignment? And would it be also possible in the Translation Memory itself (so that we can apply changes in a lot of segments at one time? Thanks!
  • Identify structure mismatch during back-conversion

    • Under Community Review on
    At present, it doesn't bother Trados if some content is missing from a translated file: the structure mismatch is not identified nor flagged by Studio during back-conversion, and the only way to realize if the file is missing content at production level...
  • Support for 4k resolution needed

    • Under Community Review on
    Amazingly, Studio 2019 STILL has no support for 4k resolution displays. 4k resolution has been the norm for high-end computer displays for many years now. The "Change Scaling Behavior" app in the SDL AppStore offers some relief but falls short of fixing...
  • I just want to add my voice to those clamoring for a 64-bit version.

    • Duplicate on
    I have a new SSD, and Trados Studio 2017 still hangs up on me over and over again; in a largish file I'm working on, it takes too long to mark a segment as translated and move to the next. I have 16GB of RAM installed, but it doesn't help a bit with a...
  • Add an option in the tag verifier to ignore removal of the "nonbreakhyphen" tag

    • Under Community Review on
    Please add an option in Verification/Tag verifier to ignore removal of the non-breaking hyphen! We are located in The Hague. The Dutch name of The Hague is 's-Gravenhage. Most people use a non-breaking hyphen to prevent the name from breaking after...
  • Advanced Display Filter: option (checkbox) filter but show all content for the filtered segments

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    Hi, would it be possible to add an option via checkbox to Advanced Display Filter in order to get all content (tags outside the segments) shown only for the filtered segments? Another usefull filter would be to filter only those segments which have...
  • Specific XFDF file type filter for comments in pdf

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    Just a minor suggestion (not extremely required but still useful). Sometimes clients ask me to translate comments, which are added in text boxes over the text in pdf files (not the text itself). When you deal with pdf files generated from complicated...
  • Add a resource manager to Studio

    • Under Community Review on
    One of the most common issues in Studio we hear from our customers is the good old "where are my files?". I really think there should be an optional separate window, which could help users track and manage their TMs, term bases and so on. Possibly even...
  • Redesign external review

    • Under Community Review on
    Hi! External review is often required by some clients. Sadly, the bilingual Word approach is far from being stable and reliable. Three options: 1. Design a new feature from scratch (Excel please !) 2. Add a warning message, something like "Don...