Feedback Studio 2022 SR1 – "There was a communications or connection error."

Dear RWS team,

I have been using SR1 intensively in the past few days and have noticed a major difference in the behaviour with the connection to the Groupshare server. I get the dialog box

There was a communications or connection error.
Please check your server connection settings, network and internet connections, and that the server is available.

extremely often. E.g. if I leave my desk for a few minutes, the error will be displayed when I come back. Fortunately it doesn't get in the way during work in the editor, except sometimes when I switch between Studio and Antidote and back: then the modal dialog box will prevent me to type the correction until I close it.

Note that I have been working on projects with 400+ files.

Stack trace:

Update: another message in the same circumstances (left the desk and came back):
Error dialog box showing a request channel timeout while waiting for a reply after 1 minute. It suggests increasing the timeout value or the SendTimeout value on the Binding.

Stack trace:


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[edited by: RWS Community AI at 6:21 PM (GMT 0) on 14 Nov 2024]
Parents Reply Children
  • Hi , Thanks for the suggestion. I have not experienced the issue recently, only because I had no project with hundreds of files. I will come back to this thread when I have a chance to try it.

    By the way, with these projects I have been running into an other small network issue (maybe related). I can easily check out 400 files, but never check them in at once. I have noticed that the "sweet spot" is around 120 files. E.g. when I have 400 files to check in, Studio will always fail with a timeout if I try to check in all 400, but also 200, 150… With successive trials, I learnt that I need to check in 3×120 files and then remaining ones. However I will provide the screenshots and the exact error when the issue shows up again. It is possible that the entry in the hosts file fixes both network problems.


  • I am currently reviewing a large GroupShare project and have these communication errors again. I added the suggested entry in the hosts file two days ago, but it made no difference. # Trados Studio (suggested by Community)

    Project: 784 files, 171k words

    Studio: 2022 SR2 -

    See/download error log

    Also, when I am finished tomorrow, I am going to have trouble checking in files, likely for a similar reason. I know by experience that I can only check-in approx. 120 files, otherwise the check-in does not complete successfully. Will post the error message+error log in a follow-up.

