DeepL NMT for Arabic

Dear Community!

A question to those using NMT offered by DeepL Pro. 

Not so long ago the free on-line version of DeepL included Arabic language, however, Trados insists that this pair does not exist and, therefore, shows an error when trying to add this provider to the project settings. How come? Paid version is behind the free on-line one?

Screenshot showing an error message in a translation software. The message states that the 'DeepL Translator provider using DeepL Translator' does not support any language combination in this project or project template and suggests using 'AnyTM' to add the translation memory.

What about LW? Does it offer Arabic?

Thanks in advance!

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[edited by: RWS Community AI at 8:48 AM (GMT 0) on 15 Nov 2024]

    I think, although I am checking with the developer, that the problem is related to this notice in the DeepL API documentation:

    As of January 2024, Arabic (AR) is supported as a source and target language for text translation, but it is not yet supported for document translation. Therefore, Arabic has not yet been added to the /languages endpoint. We will add Arabic to the /languages endpoint after document translation support is added.

    Because we never know when they add new languages until someone complains we use this endpoint to try and make sure we are always automatically ahead of the game.  But sincethey ave not added Arabic to this endpoint yet we still don't know.

    So if I'm right our options are these:

    1. wait until DeepL add it to their endpoint and you'll automagically get it or
    2. do some additional work to add Arabic manually for the approach DeepL have taken as a workaround

    Once we have checked the problem we'll plan in the work around our current workload to deliver whatever is necessary and see who gets there first.  My preference is DeepL just add it of course because then we don't have do anything... it'll just automagically work!

    What about LW? Does it offer Arabic?

    Of course.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Dear Paul,

    I am now trying to translate a fiel from Arabic(Algeria) to Spanish and I can´t.. Do we stil, have the same problem?.

    I appreciatte your help.


    Yes, you still have the same problem.  You can refer to their documentation here:

    The current status as of today (16 May 2024) is this:

    Information box stating that as of January 2024, Arabic (AR) is supported for text translation but not for document translation, and will be added to the languages endpoint once document translation is supported.

    We need the /languages endpoint to be able to support it in Trados Studio.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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    [edited by: RWS Community AI at 1:19 PM (GMT 1) on 16 May 2024]
Reply Children
  •  a question related to this post since everyone is talking about not being able to add an Arabic translation with DeepL as it shows that the Arabic translation does not exist. I read in the blog below that the language will be Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), or Fus’ha (اللغة العربية الفصحى). Neither of the 2 are in the target language selector in Trados. And we'd like to start with the Arabic translation but have the option to check and do the corrections with DeepL in the future when it's available. We may also need to update the page and use DeepL for the update. What Arabic language option should we choose now so in the future we can add DeepL plugin to the Trados project?


    This information probably needs to come from DeepL.  All I can tell you, and I'm not even certain about this, is that Fus’ha (اللغة العربية الفصحى) refers specifically to Classical Arabic or Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) as far as I'm aware, so these may be the same thing.  Then the Microsoft Locale Identifier (LCID) codes for Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) which we would typically use are these:

    • Modern Standard Arabic (Saudi Arabia): 1025
    • Modern Standard Arabic (United Arab Emirates): 14337
    • Modern Standard Arabic (Bahrain): 15361
    • Modern Standard Arabic (Egypt): 3073
    • Modern Standard Arabic (Iraq): 2049
    • Modern Standard Arabic (Jordan): 11265
    • Modern Standard Arabic (Kuwait): 13313
    • Modern Standard Arabic (Lebanon): 12289
    • Modern Standard Arabic (Libya): 4097
    • Modern Standard Arabic (Morocco): 6145
    • Modern Standard Arabic (Oman): 8193
    • Modern Standard Arabic (Qatar): 16385
    • Modern Standard Arabic (Syria): 10241
    • Modern Standard Arabic (Tunisia): 7169
    • Modern Standard Arabic (Yemen): 9217

    So at a guess these would be supported.  However, only DeepL can tell us what they plan to do here in terms of supporting variants and typically we would follow their guidance for the plugin.

    Have you asked DeepL?

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Paul,

    since I initiated this thread, let me participate. As soon as I saw the question, we tested the current DeepL plugin on Trados (cause we also REALLY NEED it) and no, it would not work....

    Screenshot of a translation software error message in Spanish stating that the 'DeepL Translator provider using DeepL Translator' does not support any language combination for the project or template, suggesting the use of 'AnyTM' to add the translation memory.

    The message is the same....Maybe Trados team could adapt the DeepL plugin, i.e. include this Modern Arabic in the list of supported languages? 

    And  , looks like it does not matter whichever Arabic type you choose at this point for the TM creation....

    Best regards!


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    [edited by: RWS Community AI at 10:13 AM (GMT 1) on 19 Sep 2024]

    I think we're all well aware of this problem and that it's still there.  Please note that this isn't anything we can do until DeepL provide support for the APIs.  The plugin works because DeepL provide endpoints that allow us to access their technology for supported languages.  The supported languages are all documented here in their documentation:

    At the top of their page they state this:

    Information box stating Arabic and Chinese (traditional) are not yet supported for document translation on the languages endpoint, with a note on future inclusion.

    This is no different to the information I relayed to you 7-months ago.  The situation has not changed so if you want more information than this please contact DeepL.

    Maybe Trados team could adapt the DeepL plugin, i.e. include this Modern Arabic in the list of supported languages? 

    We cannot do this unless DeepL allow us to access their Arabic through their API endpoint for language.  Make sense?

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: RWS Community AI at 11:13 AM (GMT 1) on 19 Sep 2024]
  • Now I see the problem! Since I am no expert in programming, I thought the issue was much easier...ok, then, we´ll keep waiting. Cause DeepL-people will do it on their own schedule....

    Thank you for the prompt reply, Paul! As always!

  • I guess all we can do now is wait until DeepL API supports Arabic. Hopefully whatever Arabic language we choose now will be supported by the update in the API/DeepL plugin in the future. Thanks  and  
