"No results available" in Term Recognition window even though the entries exist in the termbase and I can see them when I perform a termbase search

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Former Member

Im running SDL Trados Studio 2019 SR2 and SDL Multiterm 2019, both u`pdated to the latest versions

For example in Segment 146 term "Wasserfilter" is not displayed in the term recognition window:

SDL Trados Studio 2019 interface showing a segment with the term 'Wasserfilter' not highlighted in the term recognition window.

But if I search "Wasserfilter" the termbase search window shows the entry:

SDL Multiterm 2019 search window displaying the entry for 'Wasserfilter' after a manual search.

How can I solve this problem?

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[edited by: Trados AI at 2:20 PM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]
  • Have you tried to create a TB in the language cloud and then conect it to your project through the Termbase option in Project settings?

    I had the same problem and now term recognition works in Trados.

    For the creation of the cloud TB you login to your RWS cloud and go to terminology, then you click on create new termbase, choose language pairs. After the creation you import the TB as excel file or another type.

  • Sadly, I tried this, and for me it didn't work. I still get the super annoying (and, as far as I can tell permanent, since the developers won't properly recognize it for what it is: a total mess) problem of terms that I know are in my term base not being recognized.

    Every year or so, I open up Trados Studio and start a project, only to pretty much immediately discover that term recognition does not work reliably. Someone recently told me to try the cloud termbases, so I dutifully tried them a few days ago on an actual job. As usual, it didn't work, so I had two stop using Trados Studio mid-project and go back to memoQ, where terms are always recognized and highlighted if they are present in your termbase.

    Term recognition has been broken in Trados Studio since time immemorial. I used to think it was caused by the crappy underlying technologies that the term bases are based on. However, since the cloud termbases also don't work, I wonder what's going on...? Sadly, I think the last person that will be able to tell you what's going on is the developers. I have never seen anyone from Trados admit that there is a very real problem and that they are going to fix it once and for all.

    In short, if you rely heavily on terminology (as I do) while translating, don't waste your time on Trados. Use a CAT tool that works. 

  • Use a CAT tool that works.

    I do. Up to date and properly maintained, Trados Studio and MultiTerm together work very well indeed, and I do rely heavily on terminology. However,  , if you start a new thread (this one is over 4 years old) and describe precisely what your problem is, giving steps to produce your problem and which versions of both Studio and MultiTerm you use, someone from Trados Help will be able to help you achieve what you need from the products.

    All the best,

    Ali Smiley

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