"No results available" in Term Recognition window even though the entries exist in the termbase and I can see them when I perform a termbase search

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Former Member

Im running SDL Trados Studio 2019 SR2 and SDL Multiterm 2019, both u`pdated to the latest versions

For example in Segment 146 term "Wasserfilter" is not displayed in the term recognition window:

SDL Trados Studio 2019 interface showing a segment with the term 'Wasserfilter' not highlighted in the term recognition window.

But if I search "Wasserfilter" the termbase search window shows the entry:

SDL Multiterm 2019 search window displaying the entry for 'Wasserfilter' after a manual search.

How can I solve this problem?

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[edited by: Trados AI at 2:20 PM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]
Parents Reply Children

    Hi Jonathan,

    I wouldn't expect term verification to pick up a two-word source term where the termbase only has a single word. Also, I'd never go as low as 45% Minum match value (under Terminology Verifier > Verification Settings) because that would trigger a whole lot of unrequired false positives, because that figure applies to Source and Target terms. 

    If, however, you are referring to the Termbase Search Settings, i.e. the settings used when searching for source terms as you translate, then this match value can be lower and I find 70% usually finds everything I need except when the source term is split in to two words. 

    It would be good if you could create a new thread giving precise details of what you're flagging up as an issue, as I'm not sure here. Also I've just noticed how old this post is, over 4 years. 

    That way, someone from RWS (I'm just a Studio user, not an RWS employee) such as  can look at the issues you're describing and help you achieve greater accuracy in term recognition, etc.

    All the best,

    Ali Smiley
