I often find myself doing multiple search & replace of the same words again and again in pre-translated segments and I'm thinking there's got to be a way to automate that somewhow, perhaps using a script. Any ideas?

I often find myself doing multiple search & replace of the same words again and again in pre-translated segments and I'm thinking there's got to be a way to automate that somewhow, perhaps using a script. Any ideas?
Absolutely, Trados Studio has a feature that can help you with this. It's called "MultiTerm Replace" and it allows you to replace multiple terms in one go. Here's how you can use it:
Step 1: Open your project in Trados Studio.
Step 2: Go to the "Review" tab.
Step 3: Click on "Search" in the "Editing" group.
Step 4: In the "Search" dialog box, click on the "Replace" tab.
Step 5: Enter the term you want to find in the "Search for" box.
Step 6: Enter the term you want to replace it with in the "Replace with" box.
Step 7: Click on "Add to List". This will add the pair to the list of terms to be replaced.
Step 8: Repeat steps 5 to 7 for all the terms you want to replace.
Step 9: Once you've added all the terms, click on "Replace All".
This will replace all instances of the terms in the list throughout your project. Please note that this feature is case-sensitive, so make sure to enter the terms exactly as they appear in your text.
I hope this helps! If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.
Best regards,
RWS Community AI
Excuse me, say what?!
I'm not seeing "Editing" in the Review tab, but I do have it in my Home tab:
I'm not seeing "Search", and Find and Replace simply open the normal Find/Replace window:
Not seeing an "Add to list" option here.
Can someone help me out? It sounds like an interesting feature.
What are the paths to your files?
Paul Filkin | RWS Group
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The script file, settings file and replacements file are all in C:\AHK scripts\
File names?
Paul Filkin | RWS Group
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Also what version of Trados Studio and what operating system.
Gives you some idea of just how much error handling the development team need to put into every single small thing they build!! Also explains whey it always works on "my computer"!
Paul Filkin | RWS Group
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Trados Studio 2022 SR1 -
Windows 11 Home 10.0.2261 Build 22621
Can it have something to do with where my trados files are located? Again, I can see the S&R box cycling through all the replacements in my replacement file, but nothing gets changed in the target column. Looks like we're very close, but...
I tried to replicate your setup as follows... all good:
On point 1. I guess you could check the labelling I used for the search, replace and replace all button using AHK's Window Spy? I used these:
In that order. I can't think why these would change, but probably worth checking.
Paul Filkin | RWS Group
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I also checked with ChatGPT as it's smarter than me...
It could be due to several reasons:
1. **Differences in the setup**: Check if all file paths and file contents are correct and match what the script expects. This includes the path to the settings file and the search and replace files mentioned in the settings file.
2. **Permissions**: Ensure that the script has the necessary permissions to read the files. If the files are in a protected directory or if there are user-specific restrictions, the script might fail to read the files. Try running the script as an administrator.
3. **Differences in software versions**: Even if the version of SDL Trados Studio is the same, differences in other software versions (like Windows or AutoHotkey itself) might cause different behavior. If possible, try to use the same versions of all relevant software.
4. **Differences in system settings**: For example, if the target system is using a different display scaling setting, it might affect the coordinates used by the script for GUI positioning and clicks.
5. **Differences in Windows versions**: As I mentioned in the previous message, there might be changes in user interface or system behaviors in Windows 11 that could affect the behavior of your script.
6. **Script Execution**: Make sure that the script is properly started (as an administrator, if necessary) and that the hotkey is pressed in the right context.
If the problem persists, try debugging the script by adding message boxes (`MsgBox`) at various points in the script to check if the script is running as expected and to identify where it might fail. Also, try to see if there are any error messages or if the script is exiting prematurely.
If it's only the search and replace functionality that's not working, make sure the search terms in the selected file exactly match the text in SDL Trados Studio (considering case sensitivity, white spaces, special characters etc.). Also, ensure the control names (`Edit2`, `Edit1`, `WindowsForms10.BUTTON.app.0.ea119_r8_ad19`) in the script are still valid in the other user's SDL Trados Studio.
Remember to always back up your data before running scripts that modify it, especially when debugging.
Paul Filkin | RWS Group
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Hmmm... I just upgraded to the latest version of AHK (2.0) to see if it would make any difference. It doesn't. My replacements file is very simple. For testing purposes it only has this:
Cybertip Cyberaide
Project Arachnid Projet Arachnid
All separated by tabs. I even get your "Operation complete" message at the end, but again, nothing gets changed in the target column even though it does contain segments with the words "Cybertip", "C3P" and "Project Arachnid".
Maybe a more basic problem... do you have anything else different in your search & replace window to the settings I used?
Paul Filkin | RWS Group
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Maybe a more basic problem... do you have anything else different in your search & replace window to the settings I used?
Paul Filkin | RWS Group
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And something else... do you have the French UI and a French operating system language? This may also change things. Have you checked with Windows Spy to make sure the references are correct?
Paul Filkin | RWS Group
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