How to hide some segments of the source text


I have a source text in which there are segments in English mixed with previously translated segments (Spanish).

Can I hide the already translated text in the editor and see only English segments in the source text column?



Parents Reply Children

    I hope your research goes well.

    A couple of things:

    • When I said that Trados was extracting both English and Spanish, I was wrong: Trados Studio is extracting only Spanish (whether already localised or to be localised).
    • I remember there was a plugin for JSON files more advanced than the built-in file type. I can’t find it now.

    If nothing works, I’d prepare it in the old way, when there were not so many useful filetypes: In Excel!

    And this is the way:

    Copy the whole content of the JSON file and paste it to the first column of an empty Excel spread sheet. Use the columns on the right to extract both the English and Spanish strings, and compare them. If they are the exactly the same string, set that cell with the content of the English text; if they are different, it means that they have been already translated, so leave that cell empty. You can do this via Excel formulas.

    At this point you have a column with only English strings to be translated, correct? Copy and paste this column to an empty TXT, save it and open it in Studio. You’ll need to set some placeholders as tags in Studio, such as {{SOMETHING_GOES_HERE}}.

    After translation of the TXT, copy and paste the translated text into another column in the previous Excel spread sheet. Now use more formulas to merge the original line with your translation. The logic behind is that if English and Spanish original strings are different, then the original line goes to the cell; if they are the same, then your translation shoud be used instead of the original Spanish string. If you have followed me till here, now you just need to copy that final column and replace the content of the original JSON file, and that's it!

    You can have this working in one hour. Not fun, but maybe better that locking segments in Trados Studio.

  • Hi Jesús, 
    Thank you for your answer.
    In this case, I don't think it is worth investigating how to separate the source texts.
    I'll leave it as it is. 
    Many thanks for your and everyone's help. 

