Trados Studio 2022 closing repeatedly

Trados Studio 2022 (pro license) keeps closing unexpectedly and kind of randomly. We tried reinstalling everything, and we got this error message at first:

Error dialog box in French stating 'Impossible de demarrer le service Sdl.Desktop.Platform.CommandBars.IActionService' with options for Knowledge Base, Community, and an OK button.

<SDLErrorDetails time="2024-06-21 10:06:40">
  <ErrorMessage>Impossible de démarrer le service "Sdl.Desktop.Platform.CommandBars.IActionService".</ErrorMessage>
    <Type>Sdl.Desktop.Platform.Services.ServiceStartException, Sdl.Desktop.Platform, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c28cdb26c445c888</Type>
    <HelpLink />
    <StackTrace><![CDATA[   à Sdl.Desktop.Platform.Implementation.Services.ServiceContext.GetLocalService[T]()
   à Sdl.Desktop.Platform.Implementation.Services.ServiceContext.GetService[T]()
   à Sdl.Desktop.Platform.Implementation.StudioWindow.get_ActionService()
   à Sdl.Platform.UI.StudioWindowForm.set_StudioWindow(IStudioWindow value)
   à Sdl.Desktop.Platform.Implementation.StudioWindow.Init(IEventAggregator eventAggregator)
   à Sdl.Desktop.Platform.Implementation.Studio.CreateWindowInternal(Boolean setActive, IEventAggregator eventAggregator)
   à Sdl.Desktop.Platform.Implementation.Studio.Run(ISplashScreen splashScreen, IPluginLoaderService pluginLoaderService, ICommandLineParsingService commandLineParsingService, IUserSettingsService userSettingsService, IEnumerable`1 startUpActions, ILicensingService licensingService)
   à Sdl.TranslationStudio.Application.Launcher.RunApplication()]]></StackTrace>
      <Type>System.ArgumentException, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089</Type>
      <ParamName />
      <HelpLink />
      <StackTrace><![CDATA[   à System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)
   à System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
   à System.Collections.ObjectModel.KeyedCollection`2.AddKey(TKey key, TItem item)
   à System.Collections.ObjectModel.KeyedCollection`2.InsertItem(Int32 index, TItem item)
   à System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1.Add(T item)
   à Sdl.Desktop.Platform.Implementation.CommandBars.ActionService.OnStart()
   à Sdl.Desktop.Platform.Services.AbstractService.Start(IServiceContext context)
   à Sdl.Desktop.Platform.Implementation.Services.ServiceContext.GetLocalService[T]()]]></StackTrace>
    <ProductName>Trados Studio</ProductName>
    <OperatingSystem>Microsoft Windows 11 Famille</OperatingSystem>
    <PhysicalMemory>16479024 MB</PhysicalMemory>

The program wouldn't open at all, so we followed those instructions:

Then the program managed to open, but now it keeps closing after a few segments, and it seems pretty random.

Any ideas about the root cause and a potential fix?

Generated Image Alt-Text
[edited by: RWS Community AI at 5:56 PM (GMT 1) on 21 Jun 2024]
Parents Reply

    As I am a heavy user of this software and translate from a small file up to several thousand words in one single file or even more words in several files per project without any such problems, there must be something in your system causing this behaviour.

    There are several possibilities which can play a role:

    • PC specs too weak
    • Files scattered all around the place
    • TMs or TBs not updated or reorganized
    • Too big TM
    • Too many TBs in project
    • TMs, TBs and/or files located on a spinning HDD or network or even worse in a cloud
    • Active anti virus software causing problems
    • Outdated operating system
    • Outdated drivers in your computer
    • Even the language of the software and of the OS may influence the behaviour
    • ...

    Unfortunately from my personal side I have tried all means I can think of. Sorry.

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